Weekly Photo Challenge: Movement

The WordPress Photo Challenge for the week is Movement  We’re asked to show a photo or photos that exhibit or convey motion.

For me, the most illustrative image of motion is the sea.  The constant ebb and flow of the tides, the beauty of the waves. Mankind has ridden those waves since we first figured out how to create vessels to carry us on them.  I love oceans.

These two shots were taken on different parts of Oahu – one at Waikiki, and one on the North Shore, famous for its surf.

The movements of the seas also connect to other waterways, and create opportunities for a variety of animal and plant life. The water is always moving, always recreating the landscape around it.

These two pelicans are moving across the water, searching for food on the San Francisco Bay off the Pacific Ocean, while the kayaks are navigating the churning waters of the Delaware River just before it becomes tidal, moving toward the Delaware Bay, and finally pouring itself into the Atlantic Ocean.

Of course, we humans create a certain amount of movement as well.  Nowhere is that more evident than in our sporting events. My last two entries were taken at the Beijing Olympics four years ago:

In the first, a synchronized swimming team energetically dives into the pool. In the other the basketball moves toward the basket, and the players rush to position themselves for what follows.

Movement surrounds us everywhere – nothing stays the same, in nature or in the human domain.  Where do you see it?  To see how other bloggers showed Movement, click here.

Click on any of the photos above to see them full size.

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34 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Movement

  1. Amy says:

    I accepted the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award and posted it. Thank you again for your recognition! Love your blog!


  2. I love the picture of the pelicans gliding across the water!


  3. eof737 says:

    Fantastic waves…. you did a great job! 😉


  4. Pingback: The Daily Post – Movement | thegingerbreadcafe

  5. Native Leaf says:

    I love the ocean too, Jo…most definitely captures constant motion and movement. Love the diving photograph!


  6. sued51 says:

    Waves…what a great idea. I also like the swimmers.


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Movement- How to clean your lizard « Ben Williams' World

  8. elentari86 says:

    I particularly like the surfer! Good choices.


  9. I felt like moving with the cool, refreshing, fun waves. Summer is awesome and so are the adventures that goes with it. Great post!


  10. Bams Triwoko says:

    Great ‘movement’ photos… 🙂


  11. Jam-packed with movement! I’m a sea lover myself. Great shots. 🙂


  12. Myra GB says:

    These photos are perfect for summer and for this theme indeed. I love it!


  13. Jo Bryant says:

    love finding surfing shots…love your header ..birds always do it for me


  14. SimplySage says:

    Nice ideas for the Movement post.
    Pleasantly different.
    Still putting thought into my choices for the award. Thanks again.


  15. Madhu says:

    Lovely shots! The swimmers are my favourite too.


  16. Hi Retiring: great photos… perfect for the theme.
    I love all that blue. 🙂


  17. adinparadise says:

    Great photos for the theme. I particularly love the swimmers taking off. 😉


  18. sutira says:

    I agree that movement surrounds us everywhere. And nice shots at the Beijing Olympics! You were lucky to have been there. Plan for the London 2012?


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