Travel Theme: Signs

This week’s Travel Theme challenge from Ailsa at Wheresmybackpack is Signs.

There are signs that direct our thoughts and lives, but many of those are difficult to capture on film…  Posted signs are a little easier to capture.

I loved this one on Oahu at a macadamia farm, showing directions and distances to an interesting variety of destinations!

In Scotland, we loved that the road signs were both in English and Gaelic:


Closer to home, in Northeastern Pennsylvania, this road sign struck our grandson very funny – it inspired him to come up with a new Manunka Chunk flavor of ice cream, with Chocolate chips, walnuts, and other goodies!

And then, on one of our paddling trips, we spotted this bumper stick – a sign that we should be spending more time in our kayaks!

To see what signs have been leading other bloggers, click here.

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32 Responses to Travel Theme: Signs

  1. Pingback: Travel Theme: Purple | Natsukashi Kansai

  2. eof737 says:

    I love signs so this was fun to look at. 😉


  3. Pingback: Weekly Travel Theme – Signs « This…That…. and whatever else I can think of…

  4. autumninbruges says:

    Hi! Nice post! 🙂 I thought you might be interested in a photo contest and I have nominated you for participating… here’s the link


  5. ailsapm says:

    Lovely series of photos, TRS, my favourite is the ‘let your river be your guide’ – sounds like a great idea to me! Oh, and the Manunka Chunk ice cream – I’m getting my spoon ready now! 🙂


  6. Pingback: Travel Theme: SIGNS « Pictures in living color

  7. Lisaman says:

    I would love to taste the icecream!!


  8. dadirri7 says:

    great signs, love the manunka chunk icecream idea!


  9. Myra GB says:

    It was interesting that you noted “In Scotland, we loved that the road signs were both in English and Gaelic” – here in Singapore, most (if not ALL of the) signs are written in the four major languages: English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. 🙂


    • In Canada, they often use both English & French, as they are both national languages – but four!
      The Gaelic is funny because it isn’t almost anyone’s first language anymore! It’s more a social statement, I think!


  10. Madoqua says:

    Sadly, your traveler using the top sign will never get to Australia, unless one counts the ‘North Shore’ which is in Sydney! Good selection 🙂


  11. sharechair says:

    I’m in Northeast Pennsylvania, too ……… we do have some funny names around here! 🙂


  12. Jo Bryant says:

    love number 1 cause New Zealand is on top – as it should be


  13. Pingback: Travel Theme More signs – Some of my favorites | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  14. Madhu says:

    Love the first one 🙂


  15. Marianne says:

    OH that first sign is fantastic! Good selection, M.


  16. adinparadise says:

    That ice cream flavour sounds too delicious. 😉 Love your signs, especially the first one.


  17. Imelda says:

    Love the first sign. It makes it much easier to travel the world. 😉


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