Future Challenge – Leaving Your Mark on a Clean Slate

As part of my retirement theme,  I’m offering a weekly Thursday “Future Challenge” to get people of all ages thinking in general about their futures and/or retirement. (I apologize, I’m a little behind this week, as I’ve been sidelined with a bad cold.) Each challenge will follow a post of my own on the same general topic. Hopefully we’ll start some interesting discussions!

If you’d like to share what you think, or post on it, that’s great – and I’d love it if you’d share those thoughts in a post or comment (tag posts: TRS Future Challenge and link to this post) so others can also see them.

If you choose not to share them, that’s fine too – but with any luck, you’ll still gain some insight on where you’re headed (or would like to be), and how you can get the most out of your own journey.

Challenge #4:

2013 is a Clean Slate in front of us, and each of us will make some kind of mark, leave some kind of imprint, on this year.  We can continue our current activities going forward, or we can make changes. 

Looking ahead, if you could change one pattern of behavior this year to make your future better, what would it be? (Ideas: Amend your eating habits? Rebuild friendships or start new ones? Change how you make purchasing decisions?)

For my own take on this, see my post January – Resolving to Make a Fresh Start.   

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8 Responses to Future Challenge – Leaving Your Mark on a Clean Slate

  1. My goal for 2013…be happier and really live life. Happy New Year!


  2. Amy says:

    Workout and walk more and continue to travel…


  3. Eating healthier and putting myself first…Joanne


  4. sharechair says:

    Regular exercise.


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