Future Challenge – What Would be Your Alternate Career?

Challenge #8

Some of us grow up knowing what we want to do, go to school or train in that discipline, and work in our chosen field. Some of us. But many of us fall into our careers by happenstance. I certainly didn’t grow up thinking, “Boy, I really want to place insurance for businesses, and train others to do the same!”

If you could have a second, or different, career what would you choose to do, and do you think you could make it work? Is it something you could do later in life?

As part of my retirement theme,  I offer this weekly Thursday “Future Challenge” to get people of all ages thinking in general about their futures and/or retirement. Each challenge goes with a post of my own on the same general topic. Hopefully we’ll start some interesting discussions!

If you’d like to share what you think, or post on it, that’s great – and I’d love it if you’d share those thoughts in a post or comment (please tag posts TRS Future Challenge and link to this post) so others can also see them.

If you choose not to share them, that’s fine too – but with any luck, you’ll still gain some insight on where you’re headed (or would like to be), and how you can get the most out of your own journey.

To see my own take on this week’s challenge, see my post What to Do, What to Do…

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7 Responses to Future Challenge – What Would be Your Alternate Career?

  1. eof737 says:

    I have several in my head… so who knows for sure for me. 😉


  2. fgassette says:

    I love taking pictures as a hobby, so in my retirement years I spend my time photographing life around me and as I take little trips to see other parts of the country. I also do volunteer work and I make silk flower arrangement to give to people sick in the hospital. I am using my retirement years to do the things I really like to do, on a dime.



  3. Great idea for a challenge. I’m into my second career and considering a third. Here’s my post: http://carondann.com/2013/02/01/my-brilliant-careers/


  4. Pingback: My Brilliant Careers « The Crayon Files

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