Future Challenge – What’s Your Legacy So Far?

Challenge #22

I’m pretty much the family archivist for my own family, and for my husband’s. I’m what I (almost kidding) call a digital packrat.

I have three kinds of family tree software and a portable hard drive full of photos, videos, and historical documents (like birth, marriage, and death records.)  I have many more photos, videotapes, and pieces of data to archive.

I will leave recipes, memorabilia, and heirlooms when I pass away, but unless I actually write that elusive novel that’s currently in the back of my head and in various written snippets around my den, the family history I’ve amassed will probably be one of the most memorable things I leave behind.

I have done many things in my life so far, but there isn’t much tangible evidence of many those things. I’ve sung in various groups over the years, traveled a bit, played a little golf, served on some committees, and – oh yeah – had a 30+ year career. But it’s my family I’ve most enjoyed and loved, and preserving and sharing those memories will be a fun legacy to leave.

So, here’s your challenge: What’s the most important thing in your curriculum vitae? If you were being profiled on a book jacket, what would it say? Or, what would you want it to say?  What’s your legacy so far?

As part of my retirement theme,  I offer this weekly Thursday “Future Challenge” to get people of all ages thinking in general about their futures and/or retirement. Each challenge goes with a post of my own on the same general topic. Hopefully we’ll start some interesting discussions!

If you’d like to share what you think, or post on it, that’s great – and I’d love it if you’d share those thoughts in a post or comment (please tag posts TRS Future Challenge and link to this post) so others can also see them.

If you choose not to share them, that’s fine too – but with any luck, you’ll still gain some insight on where you’re headed (or would like to be), and how you can get the most out of your own journey.

For my own take on this week’s challenge, see my post, Sharing My Scots Gaelic Heritage.

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12 Responses to Future Challenge – What’s Your Legacy So Far?

  1. adinparadise says:

    “She loved her family even more than she loved to travel,” would be a fitting tribute to me. 🙂
    I still have so much more to see, and do.


  2. That’s a good thing to think about, even for those of us far from retirement and thinking ahead to “what kind of legacy should I create with this life?” I definitely am a “digital packrat” too.


  3. I’ve always said that my tombstone should say, “Here lies Gypsytoes, a woman who never passed up an opportunity to JUMP!” Our son has the gypsytoes, too. What a legacy to pass on to my future generations.


  4. sued51 says:

    Every family needs an archivist, I think! It is a worthy role…I am that (in a minor way) in my family. I save some of the things others don’t really want. I’m also a storyteller…I try to keep memories alive that way.
    I like your challenge…I’ll think on it a bit and maybe participate. 🙂


  5. lexiesnana says:

    I want to be on stage with my grandkids somewhere showing off all the things that I have taught them. I always wanted to be a little kid teacher.


  6. bulldog says:

    “He has so much still to do and see, yet has too little time to do it in”


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