About TRS

I am married woman in my 60’s, with three grown children and five grandchildren.  After a 37 year career as a business insurance agent, I have retired.

The Retiring Sort is a window on all aspects of retirement, through my personal research and experiences.

Posts will include information on financial planning, housing, health, lifestyle, or other issues as I work through my own retirement plan.   And I will share my reflections and ruminations on how those various aspects of retirement are affecting me and those around me – as well as my general thoughts, from time to time.

I hope you will enjoy following my story, and that what I learn will be helpful for you as well.

114 Responses to About TRS

  1. nowathome says:

    Thank you for following my blog!


  2. Hello!
    Thank you for following my blog. I know how many interesting blogs are out there and feel honored that you picked mine to follow. I hope my stories entertain and inform and my photos bring you joy and wonderment.
    I travel mostly local but try to always find interesting places. I have lived in several different places and dig through my archives of photos to bring glimpses into places I have been. Sometimes I post a recipe because food tells a lot about culture.
    I am not a professional photographer, so my photos are sometimes a little fuzzy and there are telephone poles and wires and other things along with what I was photographing. The older photos are 35mm, the newer are point and shoot digital and a few are Samsung Smartphone.
    I am new to blogging so if you have any advice or critique please drop me a comment.
    Thank you again for following and to quote Mark Twain: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” – Mark Twain
    Iris the Wanderer


  3. gapark says:

    BTW, I am originally from Massachusetts, so enjoy looking at your items from “back home.”


  4. gapark says:

    Thanks for visiting seezooeyrun.wordpress.com! I love your site! Husband and I will be embarking on the retirement journey in about 18 months, so agree with Pat, above, this is a huge serendipity, almost, I’d say, a synchronicity 🙂
    I look forward to perusing your site. “Beloved’s” wood projects are amazing and the renovations–wow! Gail


  5. Pat says:

    I’ve come across TRS quite accidentally. Gratitude for synchronicity! The content and the layout are beautiful. I’m new to blogging via Zero-to-Hero; our interests appear similar; and I very much look forward to exploring here. Amazing widgets, too. Thank you!


  6. Thanks for visiting my recent entry, it led me to your blog. Looking forward to more wonderful posts from you.


  7. mhdriver says:

    Happy Trails if you are going to do what my Wife and I did. if not pleasant journeys and lots of memories. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Mhdriver


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