Big Bright Fireworks

This time last year, my beloved and I were in Hawaii.  We missed the Hallowe’en Nor’easter of 2011 that dumped snow on our New England home and left many here without power or with lost trees and other damage.

Our hotel near Waikiki in Honolulu had a show each Friday night with hula dancers, stories, songs, and a wonderful fireworks display. As we stood on the beach and looked up, we enjoyed these wonderful bright lights in the perfect evening sky.

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This year we weren’t so lucky – we were home for Hurricane Sandy, and spent a couple of days without power. Now as Daylight Savings time is about to end and evening temperatures in New England are growing frigid, the memories of our time in Hawaii last year are warming!

Where were you this time last year?


This post was written in response to a Travel Theme challenge from Ailsa at wheresmybackpack. This week’s theme is Bright.  To learn more about the challenge and to see the brilliant posts from other bloggersclick here.

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34 Responses to Big Bright Fireworks

  1. Pingback: travel theme: bright « my sweetpainteddreams

  2. Pingback: Travel Theme: Bright | newsofthetimes

  3. eof737 says:

    Dear one, I didn’t know you were affected too… Hope all is well on your end. I didn’t think about any of the Halloween celebrations because we had no power or internet… Phew!
    Thank you for checking in during the Hurricane… your kind wishes were appreciated!


    • We manged pretty well, Elizabeth – I’ve been holding a good thought for all my blogging friends affected as well! Our power came back Hallowe’en night, but the hobgoblins on our street all stayed indoors!


  4. I don’t remember last night’s dinner, let alone where I was this time last year. So I’ll borrow your memory, if you don’t mind. Because I am already FREEZING!


  5. Love that slideshow–very bright! 🙂


  6. Nicely and brightly caught! I never manage firework shots…I really enjoyed yours!


  7. Madhu says:

    Beautiful, bright and celebratory! Great capture! I usually mess up firework shots 😦


  8. I really enjoy a good firework’s show! Sadly, Nicaragua’s bombas are like mini-bombs…lots of noise, no show. I had no idea you went through Hurricane Sandy. Such devastation. I hope there wasn’t too much damage in your town. Where was I last year at this time? I was on a plane returning to the states to gather documents for our residency in Nicaragua and to visit my mother. It was a long, frustrating trip, but we accomplished our task. Have a wonderful day.


  9. sharechair says:

    After two years of these crazy storms, maybe it would be a good idea to plan your trips for the end of October! 🙂


  10. Georgia says:

    I seems to be fireworks season, I’ve seen a few posts about fireworks today already. And I’ve been hearing many fireworks going off in the neighbourhood. It will be even bigger for us on Monday night when the UK remembers Guy Fawkes Day, also known as bonfire night, remember remember….


  11. Ruth Bailey says:

    Our most vivid fireworks memory was shortly after we had moved to Italy. We were staying in a hotel half a block off the Mediterranean. Our second night was Ferragosto, an ancient Roman celebration which, in the Naples area, is accompanied by fireworks. I think the Italians appreciate the noise as much as the lights. The pier was not far from the hotel, and being on the eighth floor made the explosive display that much closer (and louder)!


  12. G says:

    The greatest of the fireworks is witnessed in India during ‘Diwali’ celebrations, a festival of lights. Come to India some time in October-November during which the festival falls and see all for yourself, to enjoy and cherish for life. Love and hugs.


  13. I adore those shots! You did great on firework shots. Wow. Simply amazing. I want Christmas and New Year to come immediately so that I’ll see fireworks again in person! 🙂


  14. Those are great fireworks shots! Definitely a bright choice 🙂


  15. Great firework display! I love fireworks – we buy them and do them ourselves every year for the festival of Diwali ever since I was a little kid, and I’ve always enjoyed them so much!


  16. fgassette says:

    WOW! A wonderful display of bright fireworks.. Twice in one night. Very special indeed.



  17. danajoward says:

    I love to watch fireworks. They always are a favorite ever since I can remember. Wonderful slide show of your beautiful photos 🙂


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