Crimson Cutouts

WP_002089A few weeks ago, the Japanese Maple tree on our front lawn presented us with an amazing fiery display. For about ten days, each day it was a little more brilliant than the day before.


And then, before we knew it, the leaves began to dry, and the wind started to carry them away, leaving us just a tantalizing hint of the brilliant performance.


Still colourful, but now more muted, folding up its tent for the season and getting ready to hibernate. Nature, ever-changing, with a plan.


This post was written in response to the weekly Travel Theme challenge by Ailsa of WheresMyBackpack: Colourful. To see other bloggers’ rainbows of responses and get more info on these challenges, just click on the link! 

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12 Responses to Crimson Cutouts

  1. megtraveling says:

    Gorgeous pictures – what great colors!


  2. sharechair says:

    I have one of those on my lawn, too…. and it is just brilliant for about a week each year. People driving by actually brake their cars to stop and stare. I love Fall!


  3. I do wish they stay longer, but it’s just nice to able to see the changes. The fiery reds and oranges, especially.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ruth says:

    What fire you captured. Nice


  5. Beautiful pictures! Autumn is my favorite season!


  6. Watching the seasons change, it reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. Dorthy said, “My! People come and go so quickly here!” But, I’d change the word people, to seasons. Beautiful photos. I miss the changing seasons.

    Liked by 1 person

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