About TRS

I am married woman in my 60’s, with three grown children and five grandchildren.  After a 37 year career as a business insurance agent, I have retired.

The Retiring Sort is a window on all aspects of retirement, through my personal research and experiences.

Posts will include information on financial planning, housing, health, lifestyle, or other issues as I work through my own retirement plan.   And I will share my reflections and ruminations on how those various aspects of retirement are affecting me and those around me – as well as my general thoughts, from time to time.

I hope you will enjoy following my story, and that what I learn will be helpful for you as well.

114 Responses to About TRS

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!
    I look forward to reading more of yours.


  2. Thank you for stopping by at my blog, Mam.. And please, keep on writing 🙂


  3. Thanks lot for visiting my blog.

    Have a nice day.


  4. Prasad says:

    Hey you have got a great blog here and i have really enjoyed reading some of your posts. Looking forward to reading more. Keep blogging 🙂


  5. Woolly Muses says:

    Although still officially working, the sixties are a good period in ones life, I think. Enjoy your retirement.


  6. Marso says:

    Thanks to your comment at my site, I got happily acquainted with yours. For one year my husband and I have been learning retirement. We kept congratulating ourselves with variations on, “hey, I think I’ve got it!”, each time then turning another page and finding things still to learn. Well, that’s maybe the point?!? What’s wrong with never being able to completely say, “done”? We are not done. We are doing!


    • Good for you – we are on the brink of my husband joining me, and although our finances will change, we’re really looking forward to what lies ahead – and no, I hope we’re never “done!”
      Thanks so much for your visit and your comment! 😉


  7. I FINALLY accepted the nomination you sent me back in September. Here’s the post http://wp.me/p1w5ra-H8. THANK YOU AGAIN! 🙂


  8. Hi Retiring Sort,
    I wanted to nominate you for an award, but you have all of the nominations I have to offer! So I am going to send you a second Very Inspiring Blogger Award because I think you are inspiring!
    Wishing you a wonderful New Year!


  9. ybawany says:

    Hello Dear!

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award; I think your blog is very inspiring.

    Details are available at http://yousufbawany.wordpress.com/2013/01/02/liebster-blog-award/



  10. djmrakiey says:

    Hi, just to let you know, i have nominated you for three blogging award. Hope that you happy with this news. If you prefer not to accept, of course I understand … passing on the honor…. I always enjoy stopping by… not much of leaving notes…. but I appreciate your thoughts and images.

    The GIFT


  11. Congratulations! I’ve awarded you the Blog of the Year Award 2012! Check it out here: http://allthingsboys.wordpress.com/2012/12/15/second-star-from-the-right/


  12. Cee Neuner says:

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog award because I so thoroughly enjoy your blog. Please don’t feel any pressure for having to complete the qualifications for this award. I just really wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your blog!


  13. ahecticlife says:

    I nominated you for a super sweet blog award. You can see details here http://ahecticlife.wordpress.com/2012/11/27/super-sweet-blogging-award


  14. Madoqua says:

    I am not sure if you were aware of it at the time, but I nominated you for the Super Sweet Blogging Award in early September! I have only just become aware of the fact that one is supposed to inform one’s nominees as well as create a pingback! I notice that someone else has also nominated you, so this is a bit late, but I thought you would like to know anyway!
    My apologies for not having let you know earlier and congrats on all your other awards too. They do speak volumes about your lovely site! If you want to check out my very belated nomination, it is at: http://madoqua.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/super-sweet-blogging-award/


  15. Jenn says:

    oh umm .. did you get a pingback from this post of mine ?
    i was remiss in not notifying people directly of my nomination and relied only on the pingbacks … something I will not do in the future lol


  16. Pingback: Blogging Award Nominations, … You Can Get It! | Campanulla Della Anna

  17. A tale or two to tell..... says:

    Ahhhh what a wonderful blog you have. As I scrolled down this page to post my nomination of you for the “beautiful blogger award”, I see this is not the first award you have been nominated for.
    Congratulations on a wonderful blog. I enjoy your posts immensely xx



  18. G says:

    who says you’ve retired. such a fresh place, cheers!!!


  19. I have really enjoyed reading your blog&amazing photos and have nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award: http://esengasvoice.wordpress.com/2012/10/15/time-to-say-thank-you/


  20. Georgia says:

    I hope you are having a good day. You are invited to play along in a game of blog tag, I hope you can join in http://rainbowbakery.wordpress.com/2012/10/06/tag-youre-it/


  21. Thank you so much for your stopping by my blog and commenting in such a nice way! I really appreciate it! I will read on on yours, because I like what I have already seen, and we do have things in common. Traveling is/has been a big part of my life too, and now, as my husband is retired, I´m planning on doing it too. I want to retire while I´m still healthy and fairly “fresh”. There are so many things you want to do before it is too late in life.


  22. R Srinivasan says:

    Thanks for visiting and leaving your warm footprints on my self-exploration of Solitude (http://sreeniviews.wordpress.com/2012/09/25/solitary-the-greatest-thing-in-the-world-is-to-know-how-to-belong-to-oneself/). I loved going through your explorations. You seem to be more busy post the ‘busy’ career! Warm regards and love.


  23. amaeguerrero says:

    Hello Ma’am! Thanks for liking one of my posts! You seems to enjoy blogging 😀 God bless MAMA ( It’s a Filipino term for mother ) 🙂


  24. Paddy says:

    I am a grandmother and I can relate to what you say.Your writings flow beautifully.


  25. Like your blog and am now following you. I’m wondering if you are using the upgraded wordpress.com or if you’re using wordpress.org for your site. I’m looking to start another site and have been wondering which route would be best. I think you’re using the .org. Has it been easy to use? Thanks for your feedback!


    • Thanks for the visit and follow!
      Actually I’m using WordPress.com, usually through Google Chrome, though if on our family computer through Explorer. I do own my domain name, and use a fairly flexible theme. Going to .org means selecting a server (which I’ve been struggling with), and giving up my beloved WordPress.com “like” button, although I think there’s a plug-in to add a different one. The upsides would be additional flexibility and ad plug-ins. WordPress.com does limit how you can advertise – there’s info in the support section.
      I’m happy so far with what I have. I like the support features and have been able to do most of what I wanted to. When I use up my media space and/or start a second topical blog I may reconsider, but for now I’m content.


      • Thanks. This clarifies some things. I didn’t think you could have advertising on the .com version. I do own my domain name already, and I’ve worked with a hosting company for someone I created a website for. There hasn’t been any issue there but his site is pretty static.


        • They allow limited AdSense ads on .com – but not other kinds. It looks like there’s lots of assistance for making the switch both from WordPress and hosting companies. I haven’t outgrown what the .com site can do so far, but I do review the idea from time to time – Do let me know what you decide and how it goes!


  26. I’ve nominated you for the Adventurous Blogger Award. For information on the award and the process please visit me: http://canoecommunications.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/adventurous-blogger-award/


  27. TRS, I’ve mentioned you in my blog. If you get a chance, check it out.




  28. Thank you for sharing your retirement journey with us. Life’s journey is meant to be enjoyed!


  29. Pat Bailey says:

    I have really enjoyed your blog and have nominated you for an award – if you want to accept it. You can see details at http://imissmetoo.me/2012/08/06/blog-awards-finally-accepting/ and there is no obligation.


  30. Amy says:

    Hi TRS, I nominated you for the “7 Super Shots”:


  31. Thanks for liking my Bryozoans post!


  32. TheBlackTwig says:

    Hi TRS. 🙂 You might be interested in joining the Capture the Colour contest by TravelSupermarket. Check this out http://theblacktwig.wordpress.com/2012/08/02/capture-the-colour/


  33. scottrandall says:

    I’m very sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. I know how empty that feeling is as I lost both of my parents many years ago. The hurt will eventually fade and memories will only get sweeter with time. Take care, my thoughts and prayers are with you,


  34. Thanks for liking my Inside post!


  35. 4otomo says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking time to leave a comment..again :-), appreciated..:-).


  36. aawwa says:

    You have a lovely blog. I am interested in aspects of retiring also. I am 57 and semi-retired and enjoying it. I think it is a very interesting passage of time for us.


  37. cumakatakata says:

    I can’t speak english well, I am from indonesia.
    but i try to leave my comment here..
    I though you’re great woman…


  38. PaleInk says:

    I’m a long way from retirement (my children and 2 and 4) but it’s my dream to have an active (and healthy) retirement. Your blog is inspiring.


  39. Hi my friend,

    There are good news for you. I have nominated you for Versatile Blogger Award. I hope you’re happy with this news. Because your blog gives me inspiration and new ideas. This award give us more creativity.
    You can see this nomination;


    Thank you for your efforts, I appreciate it. Warm regads


  40. Pingback: Kreativ Blogger award « artistisk

  41. Diana says:

    nominated you for an award!

    Kreativ Blogger Award!!


  42. siggiofmaine says:

    I have been officially retired from nursing (RN) since 2007. Before that, I hadn’t been working since 2004 due to disability from a narrowing of the spinal column and surgery. I was told by a retired friend that she wondered what she would do with her time when she retired…she found that it didn’t take long to be as busy as she wanted to be. I found that to be true and followed my friends advice to be sure not to over do the commitments to others thinking a retiree has “nothing to do”.☺.
    Siggi in Downeast Maine


  43. coastalcrone says:

    I am in the retirement mode also. Interesting blog – glad I found it.


  44. You are definitely a Scot–practical and thrifty! 🙂 (A very good thing!) Thanks for reading my blog so I could find yours! Nice to meet you!


  45. So nice to “meet” you! You’ve got a lovely blog- have enjoyed my time here today very much..will certainly be back again.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  46. Hiking Mama says:

    I look forward to following all of your adventures!


  47. fiztrainer says:

    I am so happy that you came and visited my blog, leaving behind a wonderful, “LIKE”! It brought me here and I look forward to following your posts. I did meander around your posts a bit and I loved your photography for the challenges as well as the photos of your trip. 😀


  48. Lynne Ayers says:

    Congratulations on your recent retirement and may you enjoy all those things you never had time for before. I know I am having fun indulging myself!


  49. I like the theme of your blog! I recently retired from my job, but went into a caregiving situation. So retirement isn’t quite what I thought it would be at this point. I’ll enjoy reading how this new season of life is working for you:) And thanks for commenting on my blog today.


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