Simple Geometry

Maybe it’s because there’s often been chaos in my day (and in my thoughts), but sometimes I really crave the orderly. Symmetry. Simple Geometry.

Architecture is one of the places where I have enjoyed many balanced forms. I’m drawn to the clean, crisp images of geometrically simple buildings like the triangles of the Transamerica Pyramid Center in San Francisco…


or the glass pyramids at the Louvre

and the window in the ceiling of the (Hawaii 5-0) Court building in Honolulu…


and here are a few others…

a variety of geometric possibilities at the Eiffel Tower…


Montreal buildings, reflected in other buildings…

The Biosphere Environment Museum from Montreal’s Expo 67

What geometic shapes appeal to you?


Click on photos to enlarge them.

This post was written in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge on’s Daily Post. This week’s challenge topic is Geometry. To learn more about the challenge and to see the shapely images posted by other bloggers, click here.

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38 Responses to Simple Geometry

  1. Magnificent buildings as well as choices! Great photos of great things – very relevant.


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry (5) « What's (in) the picture?

  3. great images…you did great job with all the photos…^_^


  4. Connie T says:

    These are all nice.


  5. eof737 says:

    Your choices are pretty impressive. Those massive buildings are spectacular in their design and function. 🙂


  6. Vanessa T. says:

    Really loved the Biosphere!! So pretty!! 😀


  7. fgassette says:

    There is nothing simple about these geometry. Your selections of these is wonderful for the challenge.



  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Geometry | Les Petits Pas de Juls

  9. Pseu says:

    Excellent selection.


  10. Amy says:

    Very cool, TRS! Beautiful shots!


  11. sued51 says:

    I like the buildings reflected in other buildings…also the Biosphere is beautiful…


  12. These are spectacular. I’m partial to circles for some reason. I guess a psychiatrist could make something of that. 🙂
    The Honolulu ceiling and the Biosphere are my faves.


  13. bulldogsturf says:

    As a Land Surveyor all shapes attract me….


    • My Dad was a civil engineer – he could see the structural values in everything. He used to take us out on his site evaluations, and it always amazed me what he could see with his eye and his tools!
      Thanks for stopping in! 🙂


  14. Veronica Roth says:

    Wow, you’ve got so much going on here. I love it! I love the San Fran Euckidean TransAmerica building, the practical geometry of the Louvre and the symetry of it all too. Best is I’ve been to all these places, lived close to some and have lovely memories when I look at these photos. Nicely done. 🙂


  15. SimplySage says:

    Absolutely love architecture!


  16. dogear6 says:

    I loved all of them! Great variety!



  17. adinparadise says:

    Great photos for the theme. Love the Eiffel tower one.


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