Let There Be Light

We’ve recently passed the Winter Solstice, and here in the Northern Hemisphere that means our days (or, rather, hours of daylight) are finally getting longer. After months of shrinking daylight, the sun will be with us a little longer each day, until the Summer Solstice in June.

I can remember a few years ago, feeling a bit like a mole. I left my house for work in the dark, and drove home in the dark. I had a window at the office, but to keep the heat in, we were asked to keep the blinds drawn…  it’s no wonder people get depressed and suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) by this time every year!

It’s not just the shorter time in the light, but also the weather that contributes…  We’ve had snow and rain fairly regularly, and snow clouds aren’t cheerful, white fluffy things…

P1100596 (2)   My neighbor across the street- can you see the yellow house?

So at this time of year, we’re grateful for any natural illumination.

100_3501a (3) SUN3

If we don’t get sunlight by day, we’ll let ourselves be dazzled by the moon – especially if reflects on snow.


But nothing lasts forever. Spring will come, with ample blue skies, and a warming glow from the sun. Let there be light!


For more info on SAD, see these posts:


This post was written in response to the weekly Travel Theme challenge by Ailsa of WheresMyBackpack, Illuminated.   To see other bloggers’ responses and get more info on the challenge, just click on the link  above.

As an added bonus, enjoy this post on a very similar topic from about this time last year…. Illumination – Star Light Star Bright!


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26 Responses to Let There Be Light

  1. Pingback: Travel Theme: Silver | The Retiring Sort

  2. I am sitting in front of one of those lights right now. I do every morning in the winter. Cup of tea, look through my blog community, all in front of the light. Then I can really start my day 🙂


  3. thirdeyemom says:

    I have used my happy light for the past two winters and it makes a huge difference. I put it on in the kitchen for about 15 minutes each morning and I notice a big difference. I also run outside too but the light really helps with our long winters.


  4. Kathy says:

    I’m dazzled by the moon, that’s for sure. Even though it’s white in a black sky (more black and white for us) it’s still amazingly inspiring as it rises full in the sky.


  5. Eleenie says:

    Beautiful photos 🙂 I also can’t wait until Spring arrives, although our winter has been relatively mild we’ve had lots of fog. The sun is shining now though so I can’t complain!


  6. Tina Schell says:

    You are SO right – it’s one of the things I love about having moved south – we have much longer days here than we ever did in NJ. SAD is so challenging, but your photographs are lovely so clearly winter has its place.


  7. What lovely photos, and yes I’m starting to crave the light of longer days. Even when the sun does shine, it’s low and weak in the sky!


  8. My eyes were doing a funny thing on that last one…almost as if the light (moon) was glowing…Beautiful!


  9. cocoaupnorth says:

    Gorgeous photos! It’s nice indeed to have some illumination, we finally have snow as well here:-)


  10. Amy says:

    The last one is awe!


  11. chenipages says:

    Still pretty dark here in Maine! Can’t wait for longer and brighter days myself..


  12. Rusha Sams says:

    I can really identify with the statement “we’re grateful for any natural illumination.” I get almost depressed but definitely grouchy during the winter months! Glad someone else feels the same way! http://ohtheplaceswesee.com


  13. The ‘lights’ are bright, but those last two are the ‘brightest’. Love them!
