Symbols of Cities and Lands

Some landmarks are iconic – a single image of them conjures the names of the places they represent. They become symbols of their locations…


Like the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower in Paris…

China 538 - CopyThe Great Wall of China…

Blue - Tower Bridge and Blue Skies over London

Tower Bridge in London…

DSC_0276 (2)

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco…

DSC_0335 (2)…or the Space Needle in Seattle.

What’s your favorite symbolic landmark?


This post was written in response to the WordPress Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge:  Symbol.  To see other bloggers’ iconic entries and get more info on these challenges, just click on the links! 

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6 Responses to Symbols of Cities and Lands

  1. Pingback: birth |100 Emotions (a sketching challenge) | Ramisa the Authoress

  2. Pingback: birth |100 Emotions (a sketching challenge) | Ramisa the Authoress

  3. Pingback: birth |100 Emotions (a sketching challenge) | Ramisa the Authoress

  4. Breathtaking symbols that excites the adventurer in all of us.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Loved your instantly recognisable symbols. Being English myself, I’ll plump for Tower Bridge. 🙂


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