Weekly Photo Challenge – Sun

In the WordPress weekly photo challenge  this week’s topic is the Sun, “in all its glory” as part of the photo composition. (Sunsets were a previous challenge.)

Because I have no lens filters, these entries show mostly raw white sunlight, but they were taken in some fun places, and I do like silhouettes.  The first one is a halo behind Big Ben mid-afternoon…

The next was taken from the end of a wharf in San Franciso – the sun peeking over clouds & highlighting a sea gull…

The last two were taken at my house.  The first after a snowstorm over a year ago…

Here’s a cropped version of that one that gives it a different feel…

The last one I took in my back yard yesterday…

That’s my sunny side!

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71 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge – Sun

  1. Pingback: Daily Mentions: New York City Skyline | iPhotoloGy

  2. imexcited says:

    Beautiful images – love them all!


  3. Pingback: Daily Mentions: Berlin Olympic Stadium | iPhotoloGy

  4. themofman says:

    The Big Ben eclipse is awsome!


  5. JJ Lim says:

    great shots there.


  6. Pingback: App of the Week: Silhouetter « iPhotoloGy

  7. lifemindvitamin says:

    Lovely! I especially adore the San Francisco photograph as that is where I now call home. Did you take all of these photos yourself?

    Oh, and thank you for stopping by my blog http://www.lifemindvitamin.com! I wouldn’t have found your lovely photos had you not!


    • Thanks so much so visiting me as well! I did take these all myself. We used to live in the Bay Area and were thrilled to get back there for a bit a few years ago. London was a trip we did with our niece – always a great trip!


  8. Pingback: Sunday!!! « jeanne's blog…a nola girl at heart

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Marcia Clarke–La Chica Writes

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Flickr Comments by FrizzText

  11. Pingback: Marriage, not wedding « The if's and when's

  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun | Children's Books & More

  13. adinparadise says:

    Perfect sun pics. 😉


  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition

  15. Yelly says:

    Funnily enough, I love snow (it’s the melty, slushy bit that I don’t really like!) and sunshine on snow always makes for magical photos. Love the Big Ben photo the most though! Thanks for sharing them 🙂


  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Observations

  17. Thee are beautiful – especially the one taken in your backyard after the snowstorm. In the first version (un-cropped) the sun actually looks like a big, bright, twinkling star sitting on top of the tree – like a Christmas tree!


  18. thirdhandart says:

    Beautiful captures… especially the Big Ben silhouette!


  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge ~ Sun | An Uneducated Palate

  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Reflections in a Puddle

  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « The Proscenium

  22. Maggie L R says:

    great photos, well done.. I love the sun through the trees.


  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Changeversations

  24. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Hurtled to 60 and Now Beyond…

  25. I love the first one beste!


  26. Connie T says:

    Nice pictures of the sun. All of mine come out too bright.


  27. Kemi says:

    Thanks for stopping by blog! Your photos are gorgeous! Isn’t the sun amazing? 🙂


  28. you did a great job as well by taking all of those photos….it’s difficult to choose the best one..hmmm


  29. Arindam says:

    Beautiful pictures. Perfect for this week’s challenge them. Great post. 🙂


  30. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun | Here & Abroad

  31. Colline says:

    These are beautiful – and perfect for this week’s challenge!


  32. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun | Colline's Blog

  33. ponky says:

    I’m glad the sun never retires 🙂 beautiful photos!


  34. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Rhianna's Guide to Ethical Eating

  35. mizrhi says:

    Hi there!
    I just wanted to know that I enjoyed your photos for this weeks challenge. I will be linking to them from my own entry.


  36. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun | Living Life in Glorious Colour

  37. jakesprinter says:

    Beautiful shot , all of it great entry for this week topic


  38. †he light effects are just intense and spectacular. Beauty beyond words. Thanks for the inspiration….


  39. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Mike Hardisty Photography

  40. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun #3 «

  41. Pingback: Tropical Island Sun | this man's journey

  42. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Sun « Mystiic

  43. Ayin C. says:

    I love the 3rd photo. It’s so ironic 🙂


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