Travel Theme: The Four Elements

“The elementary qualities are four, and any four terms can be combined in six couples. Contraries, however, refuse to be coupled: for it is impossible for the same thing to be hot and cold, or moist and dry. Hence it is evident that the ‘couplings’ of the elementary qualities will be four: hot with dry and moist with hot, and again cold with dry and cold with moist. And these four couples have attached themselves to the apparently ‘simple’ bodies (Fire, Air, Water, and Earth) in a manner consonant with theory.” –  Aristotle¹

It’s amazing how universal some concepts are. Cultures all around the world have separately developed music and dance, religion and deities, an understanding of minerals and the elements.

The four elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire have been a documented part of Western civilization since 350 BC. Ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Buddhists recognized them as well. Native Americans use them. Many of these cultures added fifth elements – variously the sky, void, metal, spirit or soul.

But the four central elements have been a constant. They have beauty we can see and touch. This week’s Travel Theme challenge is to show them in photos. I chose these photos from our trip to Hawaii:

jurassic park set

Earth:  An open field at Kualoa Ranch (where Jurassic Park was filmed) on the island of Oahu.


Air/Wind:  Sailing on air currents over the Pacific Ocean


Water:  The surf on Oahu’s North Shore

Halema'uma'u Crater at Kilauea

Fire:  Glowing steam from Kilauea’s Halemaumau Crater 

Nature is amazing-changing all the time, but defined by four constant elements for millennia.


¹ from On Generation and Corruption by Aristotle, written 350 B.C.E., Translated by H. H. Joachim

This post was in response to a challenge from Ailsa at WheresMyBackpack. This week’s Travel Theme is The Four Elements. To see her challenge and how other bloggers have responded, click here!

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23 Responses to Travel Theme: The Four Elements

  1. Madhu says:

    Wonderful gallery TRS! The volcano shot is amazing!


  2. super great photos .. perfect for the challenge.


  3. adinparadise says:

    Great photos for the challenge, especially that last one. 🙂


  4. dadirri7 says:

    fantastic images … i love them … especially the fire up so close!!! imagine that is the centre of our planet … all that molten rock welling up …


  5. suej says:

    Like that last image, especially! Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog, much appreciated….


  6. Sonel says:

    Stunning shots and post TRS! Great selection for the entry. 🙂


  7. bulldog says:

    great share .. top photo can almost see the oldies.. but the last photo ..wonderful..


  8. ailsapm says:

    Oh how lovely, that top shot of Kualoa Ranch is quite magical, I can almost hear the dinos roar from here! 🙂


  9. Love these. I didn’t know where Jurassic Park was filmed.


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