Future Challenge – So What’s the Plan?

Challenge #26

Everyone has a horror story of an estate (big or small) that wasn’t settled smoothly.  Usually it’s because there was no will (or no updated will), or because the contents of the will came as an unhappy surprise to someone.

Squabbling over an estate or final arrangements has to be the one of the worst legacies a person can leave to loved ones. So…what arrangements will you leave behind – have you ever discussed this with your family or friends?  Let’s make it a game, and give you a score:

  • Give yourself 5 points if you know how you’d like your property dispersed if you pass away, and who you’d like to oversee your estate.
  • Give yourself 10 points if you actually have a will
  • Give yourself 5 more if it’s up to date  
  • Give yourself 3 points if you know where it is – make it 5 if both you and someone you don’t live with know where it is.
  • Give yourself 10 points if you have a medical proxy (advance care directive), and 5 more if you’ve actually discussed it with someone.
  • Give yourself 5 points if you have someone to handle your finances if you are unable to do that.
  • Give yourself 5 points if you’ve told your family what final arrangements you’d like (cremation, interment, special songs, big wake, no funeral, etc…), and 5  if you’ve written your instructions down so they can be located.

Alrighty, then…  how did you do?  Are you better or worse prepared than you thought you were?

  • 0 – 15 points =  You probably need to think about this…
  • 18-35 points = You’ve given this some serious consideration
  • Over 35 points = Sounds like you have a thoughtful plan in place!

As part of my retirement theme,  I offer this weekly Thursday “Future Challenge” to get people of all ages thinking in general about their futures and/or retirement. Each challenge goes with a post of my own on the same general topic. Hopefully we’ll start some interesting discussions!

If you’d like to share what you think, or post on it, that’s great – and I’d love it if you’d share those thoughts in a post or comment (please tag posts TRS Future Challenge and link to this post) so others can also see them.

If you choose not to share them, that’s fine too – but with any luck, you’ll still gain some insight on where you’re headed (or would like to be), and how you can get the most out of your own journey.

For my own take on this week’s challenge, see my post, Where There’s a Will….

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13 Responses to Future Challenge – So What’s the Plan?

  1. ailsapm says:

    Hey TRS, just stopped by to say hello. Hoping you had a Happy Christmas. xxx Ailsa


    • Thanks for checking in – Happy Christmas and New Year to you too! I’ve been away for a few months, without internet much of the time… I’ll be back soon – I really miss you and your challenges and travelogues!


  2. hugmamma says:

    Yyyeeeaaayyy…hubby and I scored 43! That’s only because we just redid our will with an estates lawyer who nudged us along. Our previous will was made when our daughter was a toddler…she’s now 27! Dying looms ever closer on the horizon…as we age. Best do something about it while we have all our wits about us.


  3. coastalcrone says:

    I’ve given it serious consideration. Thanks for the reminder for something I keep putting off! And I am usually such a planner for other things.


  4. fotograffer says:

    So necessary and so often neglected. But I am happy to say we have just reviewed and updated everything. Thanks for the nudge.


  5. The little quiz is wonderful. I scored well, and we think we’re prepared, but now we have to do it all again for Nicaragua. Since we own property and are residents of Nicaragua, we have to make separate wills for our property here. Plus, if one of us were to die on Ometepe Island, it’s going to be a big problem. Transporting a body off the island to Managua for a cremation is not easy. I know because I had to make arrangements for an expat that died here and didn’t have any family. Thanks for the reminders.


  6. I wake up early this morning with this exact thing on my mind…and here you blog about it!… a sign for sure… that I need to get busy making this a priority!…
