Travel Theme: Summer

Summer oficially starts in a month, and most people are looking forward to their vacations. Ailsa at wheresmybackpack suggested a Summer travel photo challenge on May 18th, and I responded with this post. Now the May 25th WordPress weekly photo challenge has been published, and it’s also Summer!

We don’t actually take our vacations in the Summer very often, more often making trips in the Spring or Fall. However, our summer will certainly include some kayak and canoe time. So, here’s what I expect to see, starting this weekend!

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63 Responses to Travel Theme: Summer

  1. Pingback: Summer and Under Sky and Clouds « 夏の夢

  2. Pingback: Beautiful Landscape of Mutun Beach and Tangkil Island – part 3 of 3 : The Island | Blog Kemaren Siang

  3. adinparadise says:

    Have lots of fun and great exercise. 😉


  4. Pingback: Travel Theme: Summer « a hectic life

  5. Anita Mac says:

    I am with you. Have been out kayaking a few times already, and am looking forward to more. This fantastic weather has been great for days on the water. Happy paddling.


  6. Pingback: Summer To-Do’s « Thoughts Unrestricted

  7. Inge says:

    Ha! Your post makes me cannot wait for Sunday to come since I am going for a kayaking! My friends have been taking me for a kayaking past two weeks on Sundays and this coming Sunday we are going for it in a big canoe!


  8. Paula says:

    This looks like great fun 🙂


  9. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: “summer” « Just another wake-up call

  10. elentari86 says:

    Nice photos! I love kayaking and canoeing and would love to do more of it. I went down to my local club for a taster session but they’re very focused on racing and I just want to do my own thing.


  11. Jackie Paulson says:

    I cannot wait to get into the water, its not nice yet here in Waukegan Il I hope it changes for a summer day tomorrow. Great Photo!!!


  12. LivE says:

    great views of summer! i especially love the 3rd image! 🙂 thanks for passing by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. have a wonderful day! 🙂


  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  14. eof737 says:

    Cool… I can feel the coolness of that water already. 😉


  15. Jo Bryant says:

    love the first shot. I tried kayaking for thr first time this summer and loved it


  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer « Mystiic

  17. Pingback: Beautiful Landscape of Mutun Beach and Tangkil Island – part 3 of 3 : The Island | Blog Kemaren Siang

  18. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: Summer (I) « The (Urban-Wildlife) Interface

  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer | Mirth and Motivation

  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer | Project 365 Challenge in 2012

  21. aparnanairphotography says:

    It looks both peaceful and exhilarating. I love kayaking! I hope it was as wonderful as it looks!!


  22. ailsapm says:

    Just set a new travel theme challenge I’d love you to join in, if you have the time! Pass it on, everyone’s welcome 🙂 xxx Ailsa


  23. Such a beautiful, tranquil moment.

    By the way, the life jacket of the man seems a bit — too small?

    The boy is so happy!


    • Thanks for your comments! The life vest is a touring version made for paddling all day in the confines of a kayak cockpit. It’s his favorite because it’s got great flotation and is so comfortable. Alas, the foam inside is getting older, and we will be replacing it soon! Hopefully he can find another he likes as well!


  24. BobR says:

    Excellent reminder that I vowed to spend MUCH more time paddling and rowing this summer. Thanks! 🙂


  25. ritarivera says:

    great images that speak of summer! – rita


  26. Robin says:

    I used to do a lot of kayaking in both the summer and winter. The summer was better by far!


  27. A perfect way to celebrate a fun and exciting Summer . Anything with water spells Summer and anything with kayak or canoe spells adventure. Beautiful images…Have an awesome Summer.


  28. amira says:

    what a beutiful way to spend summer.
    Kayaking and canoeing are wonderful activities …
    One day I wish to own a canoe 🙂


  29. I was looking forward to summer already, but even moreso after this post – beautiful! (I can’t wait to hit the lakes and boats too!)


  30. Hiking Mama says:

    Ooh, I’m so jealous! We love spending time on the water either kayaking or canoeing. You just inspired me to go plan an outing soon 🙂 Enjoy!


  31. Ouwww. so nice, warm… and so healthy. Enjoying a boating holiday .. hem ..
    certainly is a beautiful experience. Fantastic vacation foto’s. 😀


  32. Madhu says:

    Fabulous photos! The first one especially!


  33. fgassette says:

    Love your post and photos. A couple years ago Pittsburgh held an event called Paddle at the Point that I did a post on I thought you might enjoy seeing it.



  34. Pingback: Summer and Under Sky and Clouds « 夏の夢

  35. Kayaks! I just have to like this! 😉


  36. That oar is magnificent:)


  37. ailsapm says:

    Messing about on the river is definitely the way to go in summer. Lovely photos, those reflections in the second one are gorgeous. I have got to start kayaking, Vlad and Johna at Wind Against Current seem to kayak year round and it looks like an awful lot of fun. The closest I’ve come is canoeing, don’t really know how kayaks differ from canoes but I’m sure there are different skills involved. xxx Ailsa
