Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused

I’ve been staying with my Mom this week while my sister is away, so I’ve been remiss in posting – thank goodness for the weekly photo challenge!

This week’s WordPress Photo Challenge topic is “Unfocused” – meaning that the photo itself is not focused and sharp.   This is a fabulous topic for someone like me.  Although I really do make an effort to capture nice, clear shots, I seem to get more than my fair share of fuzzy ones.  Here’s a sampling of some interesting blurs from my ample supply:

Lanterns in a shop in San Francisco’s Chinatown …..

Leaves on a tree out the car window…

Lamp post outside the Opera House – Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany…

Night-time shot of the Halema’uma’u Crater at the heart of Kilauea on the big island of Hawaii.  This was not during an active lava flow – the fiery glow is the lava below reflecting on the steam – during the day the steam was white….

Tree branches on the shores of Loch Ness…


and a shot on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh

All very different and equally unfocused – and since I have clearer versions of most, I have no idea why I kept any of them!

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83 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused

  1. siggiofmaine says:

    Thanks for sharing your photos…as to “why” you kept them, it is because you could…sorry,
    that’s my reason. Several times I deleted blurred photos and realized the movement had somehow made a statement of its own…so now, I often keep the “best of the blurred”.
    Thank you for sharing…each has a quality all of its own.
    Siggi in Downeast Maine


  2. dancingkss says:

    My favorites are the first one and the last one…even blurry doesn’t dull the bright colors. Nice post.


  3. orples says:

    I think of these, I like the last shot best as it reminds me of an abstract painting. I love architecture as well and think the blurry effect works nicely with the buildings and the banners (and people)at its feet. China town is nice (and colorful) too. 🙂 All are great examples for the challenge.


  4. blueberriejournal says:

    The lanternes-pic is my favourite.


  5. This is why you kept them 🙂
    Love the leaves. Green is one of my favorite colors. Any variation. And Edinburgh. So bright and colorful. Nice job of unfocusing.


  6. Pingback: Weekly (Unofficial) Photo Challenge : Reflections « Mystiic

  7. ailsapm says:

    Hya The Retiring Sort – seeing as there hasn’t been an official weekly photo challenge this week, I’m stepping up and throwing down a challenge for anyone who’s interested. http://wheresmybackpack.wordpress.com/2012/05/12/reflections/
    I’d love you to join in – the more the merrier. Pass it on. xxx


  8. Ash says:

    The photographs are lovely…shows the depth and colors so well although the images are blurred.


  9. Arindam says:

    Great interpretation of this week’s theme. I specially like the tree shot. It’s wonderful.


  10. omel07 says:

    I especially liked the night-time shot of the crater. We all have our share of blurry photos. 🙂


  11. I especially like the green leaves. My take is here: http://wp.me/p1TywS-rc



  12. 4otomo says:

    cool abstract of fast moving leaves………..or car for that matter..:-)


  13. Pingback: WEEKLY PHOTO CHALLENGE: Unfocused – woven decor

  14. David says:

    We hold on to all our photos (well mostly) don’t we? Even the wayward children. Mine are safe in a cloud somewhere until the next super solar storm wipes out the satellites.


    • I like the idea of them as children! I bought a portable hard drive a little while back and have been collecting our photos from various devices onto it so I can organize them better. My ultimate hope is to burn DVDs for my various family members – one of many retirement goals!! 😉


  15. Love the second one -leaves on a tree out the car window. Really fast car, I think.


  16. pix & kardz says:

    what an unusual challenge this was – and what creative images are now being shared throughout the blogosphere because of the challenge. that lava click is cool! 🙂
    thanks for sharing!


  17. eof737 says:

    You did a wonderful job. 🙂


  18. Jo Bryant says:

    well I can’t pick a favourite…they all have points about them that make them special


  19. efratadenny says:

    Nice series of photos..


  20. Love the lanterns and the abstract art the leaves became!


  21. So you would have an entry for this challenge…like me! A few of them actually look quite artsy fartsy. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I’m off to see what you are up to! Margie


    • Thanks! I must confess I had to smile that some people are struggling with the challenge this week – I usually feel so inadequate, but I knew I could find entries for this theme! Thanks for your comment, and for visiting! 😉


  22. Thanks for the pingback, I appreciate it 🙂


  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused | Wind Against Current

  24. Gobetween says:

    The lava glow is beautiful and the lamp post.


  25. Gilly Gee says:

    The lanterns are fantastic 🙂


  26. Inge says:

    Ahahahaha! It’s the same with me! I don’t know why I still keep some of my unfocused images. 😀
    Love your pictures especially the leaves, the night time-shot, and the branches. They create really nice abstracts. 🙂


  27. elentari86 says:

    I love the green one! I have a couple like that which I completely forgot about for this theme. I took them from a train window.


  28. Connie T says:

    Who knew they would become useful someday. Great pictures for this challenge.


  29. Sonel says:

    So lovely and colourful! Great entry and thanks for the visit to my blog as well. You are too sweet! 🙂


  30. it looks like a colorful, hurried tour around the world


    • I guess it sort of is – so many times I see something I want to remember, but there isn’t time to properly frame a shot. Rather than miss it, I either set the camera on motion or auto and try to grab the shot anyway. Sometimes it works, and sometimes I get the memory without the clear image!


  31. I think you kept the photos because they look really cool! I like them all.


  32. katpom40 says:

    I love the Unfocussed photos. They give a feeling of movement and dreamy atmosphere : ) Too bad that with digital photos we can so easily delete something that isn’t perfect before we have time to sit with it. For instance, a picture of a child or other family member making a funny face. Looking through old boxes of photos, you might find one that was considered awful of the person at the time, yet now , years later you realize it captured a part of their personality just perfectly…we lose some of that beauty by being too quick to delete the imperfect.


    • cinova says:

      Well said! I never delete my unfocused pics and have shoeboxes filled with those kinds of photographs.


      • Thank goodness digital images can be archived so easily! I now have a hard drive just for pictures and I’m adding our old home movies – and scanning in my big plastic tubs of photos – many imperfect, but so precious! Thanks so much for stopping by! 😉


  33. katpom40 says:

    The unfocussed photos are really beautiful : ) I love the lanterns! With digital cameras, we don’t need to keep every picture anymore and sometimes miss out on something really cool. Like a picture we think isn’t “good” of someone as they are making a silly face. Later that picture might end up being your favorite after time has passed and you realize it has captured that person perfectly. Too bad we delete a lot of those “imperfect” shots now.


    • I guess I’ll delete fewer photos from now on. I realized recently I probably deleted some on our last trip to Europe that I took for a reason at the time and should have kept until I got home and could really look at them!


  34. Madhu says:

    Love that first one of the lanterns!


  35. cinova says:

    I really like the lanterns and loch ness, both of those evoke an atmosphere.


  36. Amazing fotoshot. 😀 Thanks you for the visiting. Regards


  37. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – unfocused « mtlawleyshire

  38. Ahh like the second green shot! Thank you for pingback! 🙂


  39. I like the first one as well. All those colors and yet they all work with each other. And then to have the white and black lantern in the left foreground is a nice balance. Here’s mine: http://designhouse9.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/then-again-by-diane-keaton/


  40. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  41. AlohaKarina says:

    The first one is my absolute favorite. For me, it captured the essence of Chinatown (been there many times). 🙂


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