Travel Theme: Street Markets

Ailsa at Wheresmybackpack presented another photo challenge this week – street markets.  I couldn’t think of anywhere I’d photographed one, and then I remembered our trip to Beijing.

We started out shopping for souvenirs and gifts down the main shopping street, and noticed some side streets with outdoor booths.  We decided to wander down one, and found crowded allleys full of all kinds of goods made of brass, wood, and paper..

as well as food vendors selling roasted snacks – mystery meat and large insects on skewers!

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44 Responses to Travel Theme: Street Markets

  1. Pingback: Travel Theme : Street Market « 夏の夢

  2. adinparadise says:

    Oh yes, those insects on skewers really didn’t appeal to me either. Fascinatingly gruesome though. 😉 Great market pics.


  3. This is such a great collection of photos. Love the last shot of the skewers – shows that we Chinese eat just about anything! 🙂


  4. ailsapm says:

    This week’s travel challenge is a tricky one, but I bet you’re up to it! xxx Ailsa


  5. Pingback: Travel Theme : Street Market « 夏の夢

  6. There is so much to see in your photos, really interesting look at shopping and people.


  7. Paula says:

    A most interesting post :D. What did you it at the end?


  8. I’ve been here also, thanks for the photos!


  9. Pingback: Travel Theme Challenge: Street Market « a hectic life

  10. Arindam says:

    Beautiful collection of pictures. Great work. 🙂


  11. Colourful scenes, and love the really weird looking stuff on skewers! Did you sample any?


  12. Aaron says:

    Love the third picture in particular – it really captures the people looking at the goods and makes you realize how big those markets are! Great work!


  13. Lynne Ayers says:

    OH, Poke-about gone wild! – nice shots


  14. I remember Beijing so vividly like It was just there yesterday. The markets are filled with wonderful products that shopping is hard to resist. Exciting post. Thanks.


  15. Imelda says:

    Mystery meat and insects, oh my! These are gorgeous photos – they captured the vibe of a street market and the culture so well. 🙂


  16. themofman says:

    Insects. Okay! I did think that they looked alot like big armour-plated cockroaches or potato bugs. Well, there I go, now I know!


  17. ailsapm says:

    Love it, I’m so glad you remembered you had these! Those skewered insects will keep me awake tonight, squeak!


  18. cocomino says:

    It sounds very fun. I would like to walk around and buy Variois food.


  19. Pingback: Travel Theme: Street Market | mothergrogan

  20. Pingback: Market Cakes « Pictures in living color

  21. Madhu says:

    Lovely photos! I remember those bugs and scorpions on sticks…ugh!


  22. fgassette says:

    Love your street market photos.



  23. The color. The food. The hustle and bustle. The whole tone of the makrket is fun! Great photos. Must have been a fabulous trip.


  24. Beautiful photo collection about WPC Street Markets, well done my friend. Thumb up ! really amazing. 😀


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