Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreaming

The Daily Post at WordPress.com has posted its new weekly photo challenge: Dreaming.

What carries us into dreams? What prompted an inventor, poet, or artist to visualize a now realized dream? What inspires your dreams and daydreams?

When you see a castle, do you wonder who has lived there and imagine another  time? Do you see yourself inside those walls, looking out?


When you’re in a pristine environment, can you imagine being the first person to ever set foot there? Can you smell the warm dirt, hear the moving water, sense the wildlife hiding from view?

Or can you imagine being on the shores of Loch Ness, with its black peaty water, and seeing an unknown creature poke its head above the inky surface?


Photos and artwork can move us to wonderful dreamy imaginings.

For me, music is also a wonderful gateway to daydreams. I love so many kinds of music. I love thinking about what inspired a sonata,  indigenous folk music, or a popular song. I can be transported to the first place I heard a song, or to new places altogether.

And there are some great songs about dreaming – like Dream a Little Dream of Me, California Dreamin‘, Disney’s A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes, The Everly Brothers’ (All I Have to do is) Dream, and my personal favorite – Johnny Mercer’s Dream (When You’re Feeling Blue).   There have been so many covers of this one – everyone from Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Frank Sinatra, Sarah Vaughan, and Linda Ronstadt, to Michael Buble and the Captain and Tenille (actually a nice recording).  My favorite, though, is Roy Orbison’s poignant rendition.  Some of you may recognize this from the movie You’ve Got Mail….

So what inspires your dreams? To see what dreamy photos and thoughts other bloggers have posted, click here. And dream, dream, dream…

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59 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreaming

  1. Inge says:

    The castles are always fascinating to me. 🙂


  2. SJPONeill says:

    Spot on with your opening thoughts about castles – I often wonder about the who and the why of old buildings, what they might have seen and heard…


  3. eof737 says:

    Wonderful landscapes. 😉


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside « Mystiic

  5. Myra GB says:

    Pretty astounding images you have here! Timeless indeed.


  6. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge: Dreaming II « The (Urban-Wildlife) Interface

  7. Robin says:

    Wonderful and dreamy post for the challenge. Love the photo of Loch Ness. 🙂


  8. adinparadise says:

    Lovely post for the challenge. Love that Roy Orbison song too. 😉


  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Dreaming | Chittle Chattle

  10. I wonder how many princesses were locked in the towers of the castles
    and made to await thier prince charmings while dreaming of them coming
    to their rescue. This is s magical entry for the challenge.
    Very nice – i like it.


  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Dreaming | Just Snaps

  12. Penny says:

    Castles are the stuff of dreams for sure. I also love music. Thanks so much for adding that. I had not heard the Roy Orbison version. Loved it!


  13. sued51 says:

    The pristine environment photo is my favorite. And yes…I wonder all the time what places looked like to the first person who saw them without the buildings and civilization…
    Also, I love your bringing music into it with all the songs about dreaming…


  14. langaeh says:

    your post made me dream of visiting those places…by the way here is my own take on the weekly challenge. http://langaeh.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/weekly-photo-challenge-movement/


  15. Loved your take on dreaming..sumptuous words with stunning shots…thanks for sharing.


  16. jakesprinter says:

    Great work 🙂


  17. dema1497 says:

    Love your 4th shot, may I know where is that? I would love to hike or just to visit and of course taking as many pictures as I can 🙂


  18. Madhu says:

    Oh yes, all these would set me dreaming 🙂 Love the ‘pristine environment’ shot…just breathtaking!


  19. Vanessa T. says:

    Really lovely! I feel like drifting into the walls of these castles right now~~~


  20. Interesting about the famous Loch Ness stories :p can not imagine if something big and weird ….. ….. scary 😀


    • LOL! Actually, science can’t debunk the “monster” which has been spotted for over a millennium. We cruised the loch on a boat with sonar. Because of the amount of peat in the water, divers can’t see anything, but they believe they’ve found eels deep in the loch the size of a school bus – So we can still dream that Nessie is there in some form! 😉


  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: DREAMING (Serenity & Solitude) « A drifter off to see the world

  22. melouisef says:

    Yes wonder what it was like although pretty awful things happened there too
    Love Dream a Little Dream of Me
    Nice blog


    • Thanks! And yes, they did! The Scots and English have a brutal history. Actually, when I was a child they were still keeping up the bloodstains in Mary’s chamber where Rizzio was murdered at Holyrood! But, there are also wonderful love stories, and the chapel of St. Margaret at Edinburgh Castle built by her son. And the views from the walls… lots of drama to imagine! 🙂


  23. Tony says:

    Love the photos of the castles. If you love castles, you might like to visit Wales, there are some awesome castles there! I like the idea of mentioning music in your post, some fine dream related songs there. My personal favourite is Dreamer by Supertramp.


  24. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreaming « Ruth E Hendricks Photography

  25. Shaanthz says:

    Love the pictures – the castles look so majestic.


    • Thanks – the top is Edinburgh Castle, and bottom right is Windsor Castle – bottom left is Holyrood House – actually a palace (not fortified), but castle-y enough for me! It’s the queen’s official residence in Scotland!


  26. nelsonRN says:

    Stunning photographs. I especially like that picture of the sea+mountain+sky!


  27. coastalcrone says:

    What dreams may come…


  28. bluebee says:

    Lovely post – places such as this do fire the imagination in all sorts of direction.


  29. What a wonderful expression of dreams… I really loved the ideas of the castles. I too dream about what life would have been like in that moment of time. When I was little, as most lilttle girls, I would always dream of being a princess 😉


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