Inspired by the Inspiring Blog Award

Aparnanairphotography recently gave me a gift. At a time when I was feeling neither inspired nor inspiring, she nominated me for the Inspiring Blog Award.  Thank you, Aparna, for the award and the call to action!

As followers of my blog know, I recently lost my mom, and during her illness, my day-to-day life suffered a little benign neglect (well, maybe more than a little.) In fact, if it weren’t for the two weekly challenges I do, I might have stopped blogging altogether over the past two months. I’m so glad I didn’t – it’s been great to come here daily.

Luckily, in my laptop bag I carry a backup hard drive with most of my digital photos. The drive is just meant to protect the images, but while I was staying with my mother, it provided me with the ability to divert myself at night with blog photo challenges, and to complete a post about my mom when she passed away. It was on that post that this well-timed nomination message arrived.

The award is lovely, and it also serves as part of a much-needed wake-up call.  It has helped inspire me to get out of limbo – to start getting my household, and my research files for my core blog, back in order.  It’s time to get back to the reasons I started the blog in the first place. Since I have to start somewhere, my first item of digital housekeeping (I have plenty of real world items as well), is to formally accept the Inspiring Blog Award. Here are the requirements:

Thank the person who nominated me.   Done (see above)

Add the Award image to my blog site.   Done (see right column)

Share 7 things about myself you don’t already know.   Not sure these things will help you get to know me, but here goes!

  1. I love the sun, but don’t particularly like (or do well in) the heat
  2. I’m finally using my smartphone and my Kindle Fire as more than just a telephone and an e-reader (my kids are so proud)
  3. My current car is the first automatic transmission vehicle I’ve owned in over 30 years (standard transmissions are getting harder to find!)
  4. I’ve lived in eight states and on both coasts of the US (and may not be finished with this tally)
  5. I’m a bit of a Target store junkie (my husband has suggested Target Anonymous)
  6. I love going to the movies, but don’t always like 3-D (I can get dizzy)
  7. If I could get away with it, I’d never wear shoes – maybe it’s ’60’s thing (the decade, not my age)

Nominate 15 other blogs that I love or that inspire me.  This is the fun part – introducing new friends to old ones! As a matter of fact, I came across some of these sites while visiting others. Here, in no particular order, are some inspiring selections, and a little about why I like them – hopefully you’ll like them too!

  1. – Check out his recent series of Alaskan wildlife posts for examples of why I love this blog.
  2. – Serious and humorous posts about aging and issues surrounding it. It makes me think and laugh, alternately.
  3. – This blog touches me because the writer is at a similar place in life to my own, and I love the way she expresses herself.
  4. – I love his dedication, and his beautiful New England nature photos – but that’s not his only subject matter…
  5. – A retiree like me, she has a wonderful take on so many things, and I love her conversational style – it’s almost like we’re chatting sometimes.
  6. – This is an inspiring blog including work of people affected in some way by mental illness.
  7. – The blogger is about the same age as my own kids, has a wonderful outlook, and is tackling the things she wants to try in a fun way.
  8. – Another retiree, who tackles all kinds of topics, challenges, and places. This may be the only blogging award she doesn’t already have!
  9. – A relatively new blog, by a lady currently living the dream and writing (among other things.)
  10. – And talk about living a dream… this blog is all travel, all the time, including tips on how to do that.
  11. – A goal-oriented blog, including travel, books, and movies…
  12. – This blog is dedicated to those dealing in one way or another with Alzheimer’s Disease and aging, which she handles with grace and even humor – and she posts on a variety of lighter topics, too…
  13. – A lovely creative blog – paintings, photographs, writing exercises – and consistently enjoyable.
  14. – An eclectic, creative blog, with thoughtful posts and lovely photos.
  15. – I follow this blog by a young mother of four (including twins) who is also an actual paid writer, partly because it’s funny and inspirational, and partly because I’ve known the blogger for most of her life (no, we’re not related.) I just love hearing her voice through her posts.

Let those Bloggers know that I am sending this award their way and that their blogs touched me.  I will do this, with a link to this post, as soon as the post is published.

I hope that some readers will find new favorite blogs here, and that the new nominees will find a few new, faithful followers as a result of this post. For a relatively new blogger (like myself), recognition and exposure to a variety of new blogs is very valuable indeed. If I can pass that along, so much the better. After all, today I’m feeling (just a tad) inspired – and inspiring!

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42 Responses to Inspired by the Inspiring Blog Award

  1. Pingback: Weekly Image Of Life: Inspiration | this man's journey

  2. Well … as you can see I am a bit behind in my accepting of awards. I graciously accept and appreciate this so much. I hope you’ll undestand that I wll get to the rquirements soon. I don’t always get to them in a timely manner but always do. I thank you so much. I may do a mass acceptance as the one I did below. Hope you’ll drop by and see what I mean.
    Thank you for thinking so hgighly of my blog.


  3. Madhu says:

    Congratulations TRS! Your blog is certainly inspiring. Take care


  4. Stef says:

    Thank you so much for including my blog in your list of recommendations – I’m honored and flattered!

    I have completed a similar award in the past; you can read my responses here:

    Many thanks, once again! 🙂


  5. Jeff Sinon says:

    It is an honor to have been nominated! Thank you so much for thinking my blog, my writing, and my photographs are so deserving. I must however graciously decline. I wish there were more hours in the day for me to have the time to be able to complete the requirements of accepting the award. I applaud those who are able to fit it all in to their busy schedules.

    I would like to offer up my congratulations to you for receiving the award, and to all of those you felt worthy of nominating. I plan to visit as many as I can as soon as I can.

    One last thing before I go. #7 in your list of things about you, if you haven’t already, check these babys out, I love mine! The next best thing to bare feet 😀


    • Thanks, Jeff – I will check out that footwear – it looks like it might be great for kayaking! Thanks, too for your kind remarks – I do hope you enjoy some of the other nominees. All the best! 😉


  6. Faithrises says:

    Congratulatuions! Nice blog. 🙂


  7. Pingback: Olympic 2012 – Interesting Videos | Sabah Borneo Travel Advisor

  8. TBM says:

    We have a lot in common. I also love the sun, but don’t like the heat, love movies, but not 3D, and I’m not a huge fan of shoes. Congrats on the award. It is much deserved. Thanks so much for thinking of my blog. Have a wonderful sunny, but not hot day!


  9. Yeah! Yahoo! Yippee! & Congratulations! Now I’m off to click on your nominee links.


  10. Congratulations to you with this nomination award my friend. Also congratulations to the other nominees 😛


  11. fgassette says:

    Thank you again for nominating me for this award. My acceptance is found here:



  12. Pingback: ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE « Francine In Retirement

  13. Congratulations to you! Love your blog. And thank you so much… appreciate you thinking of me 🙂 I’m going to enjoy reading thru your list of nominees. I’ve been a little bashful about awards, but I like what you said about being able to pass along exposure to others. Puts it in a different light 🙂 I’ll get busy working on that. Thanks again.


    • Thanks, Brooke – and you’re welcome! For me the recognition is nice, but the best part is building our sense of community, and expanding our circles. There are so many interesting and entertaining bloggers out there!


  14. Congratulations, and thank you for nominating me for this award! I am truly honored!


  15. Lynne Ayers says:

    Congratulations on the award and sympathy on the difficult time you are coming through. Losing a parent hits at our very core. You’ve provided us with some interesting ‘new’ blogs to check out – thank you for that and for your kind words about Beyond the Brush.


    • Thanks for your sympathy and kindness, Lynne.
      I’m so glad this has brought some new blogs to your attention – and I hope it will introduce some people to your blog as well. I do look forward to your posts!


  16. Congratulations Retiring. Very well deserved. 🙂


  17. adinparadise says:

    Congratulations on the award. I’m also a Target junkie, when I’m over in the US. 😉


  18. Marianne says:

    Very well deserved – congratulations!


  19. amira says:

    So very sorry to hear about your mother. May she rest in peace.
    and congrats for the blog award. a totally deserved award 🙂
    nice blog selections too 🙂


  20. fgassette says:

    CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR AWARD! ! Thank you for nominating me for this award. I am humbled and encouraged by your thoughtful consideration.



  21. Congratulations and thank you! We are honored and have linked back to you on our Facebook and Twitter pages. So sorry for your loss. Looking forward to seeing more of your work (and possibly submissions?). Feel well.


  22. Diana says:

    Happy for you! 🙂
    Keep blogging!!!


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