Veterans/Armistice/Remembrance Day Musings

It would be wonderful if we didn’t need a Department of Defense, or of Homeland Security.  It would be amazing if natural disasters never happened, and we never needed the National Guard.

It would be great if we could rewrite history and do away with the World Wars, the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, the Gulf War and all subsequent conflicts.

But that’s not the world we live in.

For as long as there has been a United States of America, there have been government militias, reserves, armies, and other armed forces.  And with the notable exceptions of Pearl Harbor and 9/11, our homeland has remained remarkably secure.

For that, we must thank our veterans.  These are not the people who made the decisions to engage or not engage. They are the ones who served.

Veterans Day is N0vember 11th, and actually began as Armistice Day – a celebration of peace and a day of remembrance. Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the VFW, and other organizations work to provide needed services to our veterans – many of whom were volunteers.

On this day, I hope you will spend a moment appreciating those who have stood where we can’t or won’t – at home or abroad – for the safety of those here and elsewhere, who cannot protect themselves. Whether or not you believe they should have been sent some of these places, they went for us.

I pray that our leadership, and other leaders around the world, will work to make this kind of protection much less necessary in the future, and that they will evaluate such necessity with great care.

In the meantime, for those who have served the people of the US in any of our armed forces, at home or abroad, I am grateful for your service,and your willingness to serve.


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17 Responses to Veterans/Armistice/Remembrance Day Musings

  1. eof737 says:

    Our veterans are deserving of thanks and my prayer is that we remain grateful and work hard to keep peace in front of us.


  2. Pingback: Veterans Day: Honoring All Who Served… | Mirth and Motivation

  3. The other day, I stood at an elevator waiting with a gentleman that was wearing a hat that had ‘Vietnam Vet’ embroidered on the front. I smiled and said hello. When I got home, I was so annoyed with myself. I slapped myself in the head and said out loud, ” why didn’t you say Thank You? ” duh and dang. I coulda had a V-8! And I coulda said Thank You!!!! Next time. For sure.
    Excellent post, RS.


  4. coastalcrone says:

    I remember my father buying a Buddy Poppy outside the post office in our small south Texas town.


  5. sued51 says:

    Nice post…well said.


  6. Amy says:

    It would be wonderful… but, that’s not the world we live in. Well said. We remember their sacrifices and their family sacrifices.


  7. If you wouldn’t mind I would like to reblog this post?


  8. adinparadise says:

    Throughout history, I’m sure that there isn’t a single family that hasn’t been touched by war. Brave men indeed.


  9. Marianne says:

    At the going down of the sun, WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.


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