Do You See a Pattern Here?

P1110715Front Porch Snow

03 - Tears of the Arizona

“Tears of the Arizona” Pearl Harbor


Skylight, Honolulu Courthouse

Summer Paca beams

Painted Overhead Beams, Summer Palace, Beijing

P1100741 (2)

October Moon through the trees in New England


Paris rooftops from the Eiffel Tower

China 304 (2)

Dancers – Closing Ceremonies, Beijing Olympics


Shadow of Spring leaves on a Connecticut walking trail

Have you ever stared at something for a long time, and then realized that a pattern has emerged?  It often takes quite a while to see a pattern in seemingly random behaviors, events, or images.  But if you look, there are patterns everywhere around us.


Waikiki Beach bird prints

I have no idea how many birds walked over this pristine wet sand at the beach, before this pattern emerged.

This design surely wasn’t created intentionally.  So when does a set of random things become a pattern? And is the pattern only in the eye of the beholder?

There are so many wonderful patterns in nature – repeating seasons, lovely shapes and sounds, colors and light. And so many patterns emerge in our lives – habits, schedules, even daily conversations.

Look around – which patterns would you like to change, and which do you embrace? I’m going to try to find a new pattern somewhere today…  and see where it leads me!


This post was written in response to the WordPress Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern.  To learn more about this challenge, and to see other bloggers’ responses, click here.

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34 Responses to Do You See a Pattern Here?

  1. ilargia64 says:

    Hi TRS!!!
    I love the October Moon!!!! You took a magical picture!!!!


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern (2) | Bastet and Sekhmet

  3. frizztext says:

    the rooftop glass construction of Honolulu Courthouse, wow!


  4. senimahar says:

    Yes I agree with all … it’s magnificent!


  5. Marianne says:

    Great patterns TRS 🙂


  6. cyberbonn says:

    lovely photos


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: The Many Patterns of Mexico | my cyber house rules

  8. Marie says:

    The moon through the trees was really quite dazzling!


  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern (Sherpa Tibet) | What's (in) the picture?

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Pattern: Roofs | Flickr Comments

  11. dadirri7 says:

    just beautiful patterns, all of them … but especially the snow and shadow … nature the artist!


  12. Tina Schell says:

    Very nice! Especially love the skylight.


  13. I haven’t done this one yet. I actually wanted to try to use some powers of observation to get a photo or two for this challenge. You’re right. Random? Pattern? Eye of the observer. These are beautiful. Especial Pearl Harbor.


  14. Wonderful pattern shots – you have a way of creatively looking at what’s around you.


  15. mylifeinfocusblog says:

    Love the moon shot! Excellent photos.


  16. There certainly are patterns everywhere and you got some lovely ones.



  17. Touch2Touch says:

    Really interesting, not just the terrific photos, but your commentary.
    All three questions — which to embrace, which to reject, and stepping out searching for a new pattern — are inviting.


  18. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Pattern | patriciaddrury

  19. Ese' s Voice says:

    What a variety! And all of them really beautiful!


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