Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways

There was an interesting photo challenge presented by WordPress this week – to take two shots of the same place, one vertical and one horizontal, to express two views of the subject.

I’ve been offline for a while, taking care of some “real life” stuff (when I get into the blogosphere I lose hours) but this was too nice to pass up.  I picked two subjects from our trip to Montreal. Both show how a shift in focus can change how you look at something.

The first is the Notre Dame Cathedral in the old city:

The Long view

The Long view

The more detailed and intimate view

The more detailed and intimate view

When you first step into the cathedral, the striking color and size of the sanctuary are impressive, but there is distance between the altar and the entrance.  Up close, the saints, the crucifix, and the flowers in memory of a personal event take the focus, and the other people in the church become insignificant shadows. A bonus perspective, focused on the pews, appears in the banner.

The second spot I chose is the Museum of Fine Arts in the new city.  As I approached, I was struck by the stone work on the building and thought the statue was a nice, classical, touch – but when I was directly in front of the sculpture, a completely new dimension presented itself to me.

Approaching the Museum

Approaching the Museum

A new view - only available from one stance

A new view – only available from one position

Everything changes when we look at things in more than one way – a small shift in our stance, or a willingness to investigate more closely, can reveal things we would miss with just a passing glance.

Perspective is everything.


This post was written in response to the WordPress Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways.  To learn more about this challenge, and to see other bloggers’ shifting viewpoints, click here.

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31 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways

  1. Ese' s Voice says:

    The Notre Dame Cathedral is absolutely magnificent! The mood…colors…impressive.
    PS: A new photo challenge – you are welcome to participate! http://esengasvoice.wordpress.com/2013/08/18/eses-weekly-shoot-quote-challenge/


  2. Paula says:

    Well done TRS!


  3. Great collection of photos for this challenge! It is such a beautiful Cathedral.


  4. adinparadise says:

    What a magnificent cathedral and your photos are wonderful. 🙂


  5. Sonel says:

    Great take on the challenge and gorgeous shots! 😀


  6. fgassette says:




  7. That long view is so incredibly beautiful. Good to see you back. This was a fun challenge, wasn’t it? 😉


  8. Touch2Touch says:

    Oh, well done!
    That cathedral isn’t the easiest place to photograph, and you’ve done an excellent job on both the long shot and the closeup.
    And the shift in POV about the statue is remarkable.


  9. dadirri7 says:

    a striking post, marvellous photography, and both places such excellent illustrations of the relative advantages of horizontal vs vertical … beauty and surprise!


  10. coastalcrone says:

    I don’t do these challenges but this one has been really fun to see how they were done. Your choices are excellent. I wondered about the hole in the statue also. It is all in the viewpoint! Glad you are back. The real world is important too!


  11. Amy says:

    Stunning shots of the Notre Dame Cathedra! We visited the cathedral a decade ago… The statue is really different. Welcome back TRS 🙂


  12. Pamela Blake says:

    Very nice study in perspective! The pictures of the cathedral are so vivid and grand. I am not familiar with that statue at the museum; the closer perspective perplexes me. Is there actually a hole in the midsection that allows you to view the window behind it, or is that an illusion?


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