Reflections – An Alternate Photo Challenge

WordPress didn’t publish a Weekly Photo Challenge this Friday, but several other options cropped up in comments on their Daily Post page, and this one I got by invitation!  So here are a couple of takes on the alternate theme of Reflections….

After you’ve reviewed mine, visit this site for the guidelines to frame your own entry:

My favorite is one I’ve posted before, taken on the Delaware River from Worthington State Park in NJ in the early morning:

Delaware at dawn

The next is a photo of the Dartmouth Outing Club cabin (DOC house) where we were married and had our wedding reception on the Dartmouth College campus:

 The next were taken at the Forbidden City in China – one inside the walls, and the other across the moat on an overcast, rainy day:

The next are from Scotland – a marsh in the Trossachs (clouds on the marsh) and an entrance to Loch Ness, two mountain reflections on the lochs:


The last two are a little different – light reflection on water, and me in the mirror taking a shot on Anapamu Street in Santa Barbara:

Hope you enjoy these “reflections”!

Here are a few other posts on this theme:

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31 Responses to Reflections – An Alternate Photo Challenge

  1. Pingback: Reflections – An Alternate Photo Challenge « The World According to Me…

  2. Joy says:

    LOVE these! I would have to agree about the second picture. It’s brilliant.


  3. ailsapm says:

    Hi Retiring Sort, I just put up another photo challenge and would love you to join in! Pass it on, everyone’s welcome. xxx Ailsa


  4. Pingback: Daily Mentions: Throw your fears away! | iPhotoloGy

  5. I like the second picture the most. It’s catchy… I want to go there…
    For this alternate challenge, seems i rather late. But this is my share


  6. Gracie says:

    Wonderful reflections! Love how clear they are.


  7. There’s a powerful healing energy whenever we look at a body of water. Your photos once again reminded us that when our mind and heart are in turmoil and we need a sense of peace, all we need to do is seek nature’s natural healing wonders. If we can’t physically do that, we can look at images like these, close our eyes and imagine. Soon enough, we are sitting close to the lake or a beach, calm, happy, thankful. Great post. Thank you.


  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Reflections – Mostly inspirational chit-chat

  9. pix & kardz says:

    a beautiful collection.
    thanks for sharing. also enjoyed the ‘reflections’ of your mom’s rich life! happy mother’s day to her as well 🙂


  10. The Delaware River shot is classic – so quiet, so still and a little mysterious in the early morning mistiness … But the Outing Club (a winner by name alone!) reflections are so sharp, and vivid in that intense colour scheme that the others don’t get a look in, for me:)


  11. Imelda says:

    All of these pictures are gorgeous. The water reflections are just so restful and serene to look at. 🙂


  12. I love the mountain scenes!


  13. These are all great. Can’t pick a favorite.


  14. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge (unofficial version) REFLECTIONS « Pictures in living color

  15. I’ve always wanted to see Loch Ness, I like those the best. Thanks for sharing.


  16. ailsapm says:

    Oooh these are all gorgeous, and I can see why Jo loves the 2nd one, the gorgeous blue of the water, but boy, the Forbidden City, how fabulous. And Scotland I think has to be one of the most scenic places in the world. Lovely! xxx


  17. Jo Bryant says:

    these are all great but I am so drawn to the 2nd image…stunning
