Weekly Photo Challenge: Create

The Word Press Weekly Photo Challenge posted this past Friday is Create.

Things are created in so many ways – In nature, we see the creation of valleys and mountains. Through plants we see creations as delicate as floral aromas and as strong as redwood forests. Animals create things as large as coral reefs and as small as spider webs. All part of the grand design.

We humans design and create a little more deliberately – with words and music, with visual, structural, electronic, and tactile media. With natural and synthetic elements. We’re always trying to create something new, or something we think will be better. Hybrid plants and animals, new building materials, new sounds.

Of course, one of our oldest creative outlets around the world is cooking. Although regionally we may have had relatively finite resources, we can now rework those resources in new combinations and methods of preparation. We adapt something from one culture’s cuisine into another’s. Or we try nutmeg in something where we’d normally add cumin… and suddenly the possibilities seem nearly endless.

My beloved and I have recently been following an anti-inflammatory diet that has limited some of the possibilities we used to have. As a result, we’ve had to get creative with our meal preparations – learning to use different spice combinations and condiments. I started with adding curry to a few sort of bland meals.  Following are some meals we made using curry, lemon, avacados, tomatoes, and apples.

Spinach omelet & Avacado, tomato, cranberry, apple, walnut curry salad on a bed of spinach;  Tuna, lemon, celery, apple curry lettuce wraps.

Curried Salmon, with basmati rice and salad of spinach, tomato, avacado, and apple, dressed with extra virgin olive oil, lemon, and curry.

These are just a few of the things we came up with using curry.  We’ve also used fresh basil and some other spices and herbs to tweak chicken, fish, and salad dishes… and then there’s the variety of flavors we’ve added to our breakfast fruit smoothies….

Anyway – that’s our most recent foray into creativity… To see what other bloggers came up with for this challenge, click here!

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35 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Create

  1. eof737 says:

    I kept thinking web dishes… 😉 spider web and those tasty dishes. 😆


  2. Coming East says:

    Would love that curried salmon recipe. What kind of curry did you use?


    • I just rubbed it with some extra virgin olive oil and curry powder a little before cooking it in a pan where I had sauted and removed a little crushed garlic. I covered it briefly with the lemon slices on top just after I turned it, to make sure it cooked through. Not very scientific, but it smelled heavenly!!


  3. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge : “Create” « Just another wake-up call

  4. SimplySage says:

    Great photo! Inspires me to capture a web on my own porch. I have a large, beautiful visitor every night. Don’t know what kind he is but I’ve left him alone because he looks as if he’s guarding the house. Seriously!
    The food looks excellent. Lovely presentation. The anti-inflammatory diet is great and you’ve done some nice things with it.
    Fun, creative post.


  5. Spider’s Web – great – best interpretation that I have seen!


  6. YUM to your creative side. 🙂
    ( but I love that spider web )


  7. Amy says:

    I agree cooking is one of our oldest creative outlets. Delicious!


  8. andydbrown says:

    Interesting photos and thoughts. I like the spider web for this challenge the most but of course the best photo I’ve enjoyed on your blog is the header photo of you on your homepage with such a lovely smile as you’re kayaking. Thanks for leaving such a lovely comment about my son on my blog which led me back to your great blog. All the best!


  9. livvy30 says:

    Nice shots! I like the idea of the web. thanks for stopping by my blog.


  10. coastalcrone says:

    Love the spider web! Thanks for the food ideas. Husband and I try to eat similarly. Curry spices up so many things and I have plenty of herbs, especially basil to add.


  11. Madhu says:

    Brilliant photo of the web!


  12. Wow, great spider webs. yumi .. … de spinach with avacado salad.. yumi .. 😆 Thank you so much my friend for this “creative sharing.”


  13. adinparadise says:

    Beautiful spider web pic, and all those meals look absolutely delicious. Now I’m feeling quite peckish. 😉


  14. Misky says:

    Hi! The spider web is gorgeous, but personally I’ll opt for a bit of that lovely meal you’ve prepared. Please. Must mind my manners. 🙂


  15. melouisef says:

    Love the spider web – and did you know scientists have i
    ‘injected’ them with serum from scizophrenic patients and then thyey spin crazy webs.


  16. Colleen E Gunderson Photography says:

    Great post – and the food looks wonderful! A great way to eat, and so tasty 🙂


  17. Great entries for “create”! The dishes look very appetizing.


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