It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

My neighborhood today is snowed in, with the snow still falling. Gotta love March in New England…

The WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge today was to do a post completely from a phone, including a photo of your neighborhood. As nice as it is to know I can post from my phone, quickie posts aren’t really my style, and typing on my phone (I’m not a big texter – I’m old) is no fun for me, so this isn’t something I expect to try often! In fact, it turns out I don’t even have the right equipment to complete this task, so I guess I’ll opt out of any “phonoeography” parts of challenges in the future!

Still, in the spirit of keeping up with the technology… I did my best this time.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the suggested WP software to download onto my old 3G phone… so I ended up typing a post on the phone and taking the photos on the phone, but couldn’t attach any photos to a post with my phone! My solution was to make this a hybrid – I edited the post on my laptop and put the pieces together. I suppose if I did more research, I could find another utility to attach a photo, but that’s just more than I have time for right now… and next time I think I’ll just go with my camera!

Anyway, here’s my neighborhood today, as seen through my cellphone camera… hope you enjoy meeting my neighbors!

My neighbor to the left

My neighbor to the left

My neighbor to the right

My neighbor to the right

My neighbor across the street- can you see the yellow house?

My neighbor across the street- can you see the yellow house?

Happy Snow Day!


This post is in response to the WordPress “Phoneography” Challenge: My Neighborhood. To learn more about the challenge and see how other bloggers responded, click here.

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46 Responses to It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: My Neighbourhood | Far Away

  2. Pingback: Photo Project: 52 Bolivian Sundays [week 10, 'My Neighborhood']. | 3rdculturechildren

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: My Neighbourhood | Far Away

  4. cocoaupnorth says:

    Nice work! Though I love winter and the snow, it’s been too gray this one. I’m eagerly waiting for sunny spring:-)


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: My Neighbourhood (canal 3) | What's (in) the picture?

  6. Pingback: Phoneography Challenge: My Neighborhood | My Atheist Blog

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenges: My Neighbourhood (canal 2) | What's (in) the picture?

  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenges: My Neighbourhood (canal 2) | What's (in) the picture?

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: My Neighbourhood | What's (in) the picture?

  10. Soo wintery …. very nice


  11. Success! Great job and thumbs up for fortitude and perserverence!


  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge My Neighborhoood | 2013 Weekly Photo Challenge Blog

  13. Pingback: Phoneography Challenge: My Neighborhood | Pilot Fish

  14. Follygirl says:

    Winterwonderland? but very beaitiful, I’m waiting for spring 😉


  15. Beautiful! And feels good to know somebody else has as much and even more snow than we do over here 🙂


  16. Pingback: Phoneography Challenge: My Neighborhood | Flickr Comments

  17. bulldog says:

    No matter what direction you look in… it looks cold out there….


  18. LubbyGirl says:

    Looks a lot like where I live, too – that’s why I live here, it’s so beautiful, like your pictures. And your lamp in the first photo looks a lot like ours, by our walkway. Love it!


  19. lexiesnana says:

    Man these were pretty.I felt like over the river and through the bridge to grandmothers house we go.Don’t really know why.Loved this.


  20. mylifeinfocusblog says:

    your neighborhood looks just like mine.


  21. fgassette says:

    Beautiful snow day in the neighborhood!



  22. fotograffer says:

    Truly, a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Phone – no phone it’s hard to improve upon nature’s beauty.


  23. pamtanzey says:

    What beautiful photos!


  24. dadirri7 says:

    such fabulous snowy pics … and all with your phone! i don’t even have a phone, let alone a phone camera … so i am out of these challenges … although i could just use the canon …. and i can barely see that yellow house … we can’t see any houses from here either … i guess you can’t in summer?


    • In Summer, the trees do block our views of the neighbors! The challenge allowed use of a camera at the end, but I decided to try with my smart phone this time. I don’t think I’ll use it for this again. Thanks so much for stopping by! 🙂


  25. bluebee says:

    Indeed, it is.


  26. Stunning! Love the snow photos.


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