Weekly Photo Challenge: Today

The WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge for this week is Today, meaning that the photos couldn’t be from an archive – they actually had to be taken on the day of the post.

So… today was the last sunny day in our local forecast for about week. Taking that into account, I figured this would be the day to take an outdoor walk.  I chose the town green in our “downtown” area. I can’t speak for all states, but every town of any size in New England and Upstate New York has a town green, and on that green, most have a Civil War memorial.  In our town, the post office is at one end of the green, and the memorial is at the other. So, after checking my Post Office Box, I decided to walk the green to the memorial and back.

On a normal day, is this would be a quiet, uncluttered walked down lovely paths lined with benches and trees. Today was different. This is the week of the annual “Carnival on the Green,” kicking off town summer activities. The baseball field at the corner of the green was lined with port-a-potties for the occasion, and the green was very cluttered indeed! (Click photos to enlarge them!)

The carnival is only open at night, but all of the rides and booths sit on the green for the duration. So, our town bandstand was obscured by the quiet closed carnival skeleton as I took my walk. I felt a little like I was wandering around in a place I shouldn’t be! Eerie!

I finished my walk and went home, but my inner child felt a little like I’d missed the best part, so I went back tonight – dodging kids with cotton candy, parents with strollers, and teen couples with eyes only for each other.  And I experienced the living carnival – noise, lights, smells and all, right there in the middle of our little bustling town green. Fun!

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49 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Today

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Today « 夏の夢

  2. eof737 says:

    I do love your choices of photos. 😉


  3. I love Carnivals. Always a happy, fun and exciting feeling. Today, your photos brought back all those wonderful feelings and memory. Beautiful post!


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Today!! | A Beginner

  5. Diana says:

    Wow!! A beautiful – playful day!!
    Enjoyed the post! 🙂


  6. nuvofelt says:

    What fun! Lots of colour and joy!


  7. Gilly Gee says:

    The day was great but the night scenes are really atmospheric, love them!


  8. faceinacrowd says:

    Thanks for the memories. I grew up in Massachusetts and remember the carnival coming to town every year–the rides, the lights,the smells. So fun!


    • It really is – we have lots of events on our town green, including a summer concert series, craft fairs, tag sales, and ball games, but nothing brings out the families quite like a carnival! 🙂


  9. barb19 says:

    I’m so glad you went back and night and captured these great shots – it all looks so exciting at night!


  10. Vanessa T. says:

    Would love to visit carnivals again! We have so few carnivals here~ Thank you for the awesome pictures! 😀


  11. Jo Bryant says:

    I love carnivals…my Mum used to work at one when i was a kid and it was such fun


  12. Pingback: ON THE BENCH: SUNDAY « 2012 – ON THE BENCH

  13. Patricia says:

    What a wonderful, Today !


  14. Robin says:

    So pleased you captured it.


  15. Madhu says:

    Imagine that…you were at a carnival, when we were staring at our TV screens waiting for the weather forecast! Not fair 🙂


  16. There is something eerie about a fairground during the daytime, perhaps it’s that feeling of abandonment and it not being quite the associated atmosphere. 🙂


  17. sued51 says:

    Boy…”today” was your lucky day…a carnival! Nice photos…


  18. Colline says:

    Looks like a fun day 🙂


  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Today | Project 365 Challenge in 2012

  20. Connie T says:

    I like the pictures. It looks like a fun day.


  21. Hasn’t this been a fun “come as you are” party! Glad you went back. Great photo of the merry-go-round!:)


  22. Wise choice to go back and enjoy the carnival 🙂


  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Today « 夏の夢

  24. Ah, It has been long time, I don’t go to carnival. It remains me, I used to enjoy there with my friends. Great!


  25. How much fun was this?!?!? Cotton candy. YUM!
    Great pix!


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