Travel Theme: Oceans

I’ve been neglecting my blog a little for the past week or so.  As it happens, I’ve been staying with my mom (and my sister), to help out with a few things. This is one of those times when it’s clearly a blessing that I’m retired and free to travel the several hours and stay here while I’m needed.  I’m also blessed that my beloved is supportive of my need to be here.

I  left my notes on some medical issues and Social Security at home, so those posts will have to wait a bit. However, I do keep a hard drive with many archived photo images in my laptop bag, so I am able to respond to photo challenges from “the road.”

Ailsa at has posted an oceans travel photo challenge in honor of World Oceans Day this week  (  There couldn’t be a nicer subject for me than oceans. My grandparents took me to the shore in New Jersey often when I was growing up.  I learned to swim in the Atlantic, out just past the breakers. I have been lucky enough to watch the waves rolling in and out on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific, on the North Sea and the Irish Sea, the Adriatic, the Aegean, and the Caribbean. I love the feeling of the sand pulling away from around my feet as the water recedes.

The sea can take so many forms, and has so many faces. Here are a few of my ocean views and memories (click photos to enlarge them):

1) A day at the shore – about 1955:

2) Lighthouses on the North Sea, and on Oahu:


3) Sandy beach in California, Volcanic beach in Hawaii

4) Up Close (Bahamas snorkeling) and Far Away (approaching Hawaii by air)

5) On Oahu – Waves far out, and pounding the shore

The sea means many different things to different people. For other entries for this challenge, click here.

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31 Responses to Travel Theme: Oceans

  1. Misky says:

    I’ve actually climbed that huge hill up to the lighthouse on Oahu. My daughter-in-law and I pushed two baby strollers with cranky toddlers up that hill, too! Gosh, what a climb that was….


  2. adinparadise says:

    Love your 1950’s happy family video.;) Beautiful ocean pics.


  3. Pingback: Travel theme: Oceans | mothergrogan

  4. marina says:

    The video is just precious!!!!


  5. Amazing video 1955 ! … timeless 😛


  6. Pingback: Kreativ Blogger Award!! | A Beginner

  7. Matilda says:

    Wonderful! The Retiring Sort is a lovely place…. Thanks for sharing these photos and the beautiful movie. I can’t stop watching it, me encanta!!! Love it 😉


  8. The home movie is the best! What a variety of photos. Really great post.


  9. blastedgoat says:

    I’ve never been to an ocean but I want to as soon as possible. Thanks for this post! The travel themes are great for those of us who can’t stray far from home at the moment but still love to “visit” distant lands 🙂


  10. tms says:

    Your selection makes me want to go straight back to the sea … wonderful images, for me.


  11. TBM says:

    Wonderful images! And isn’t it wonderful to have a supportive spouse. I hope all is well.


  12. Ahhhhhh. The Jersey shore. It’s my tranquilizer 🙂 Baby we were born to run… Bruce. Bruce. Bruce.


  13. I love the light house picture the most. Wow, so great so oceans. Superb.


  14. Madhu says:

    Wonderful post! Loved the Jershey shore movie.


  15. ailsapm says:

    A wonderful series of ocean photos from all around the world, but my absolute favourite is the movie of the Jersey Shore in the fifties, just fantastic. 🙂


  16. Lovely words and lovely photos!


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