Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far

It was on a whim that I stuck my head into a castle cannon battery hole, and took a quick shot of one of my favorite places – Edinburgh’s Old Town. I didn’t realize until later how much there was to see.

From the Half Moon Battery in Edinburgh Castle, the nearby parade field at lett contains bleachers for the upcoming annual Military Tattoo.   The road is the Royal Mile from the Castle east to the Palace at Holyrood, the official royal residence in Scotland. In the distance to the right is hilly Holyrood Park, with the Salisbury Crags, and Arthur’s Seat (the high point).  Beyond Holyrood Park is the Firth of Forth, the bay leading to the North Sea – and to northern Europe beyond!

Closer to home, I took this one while paddling on the Delaware River last year with the annual Soujorn. The front of our rented tandem kayak and my grandson are in the foreground, some other sojourners paddling south into the wonderful curves of the river are visible out into the distance.

There’s always something more to see!


This post is in response to a Weekly Photo Challenge from the WordPress Daily Post. The challenge topic for this week is Near and Far.  To learn more about the challenge, or to see other near-far entries, click here.

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88 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far

  1. Pingback: Beyond the Horizon | The Retiring Sort

  2. Oh, my! That first shot is stunning–what a great subject and you found the perfect frame for it!


  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Everyday Life | Here & Abroad

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Everyday Life | No Fixed Plans

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Everyday Life « Beijing Daily Photo 2

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Everyday Life « Jinan Daily Photo

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Everyday Life « Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition

  8. The river paddling looks like a fun and relaxing activity. Beautiful capture!


  9. Madhu says:

    I like everything about that first shot! The perspective, colour and clarity are all superb! Thanks for bringing us that view TRS 🙂


  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far « Jinan Daily Photo

  11. Life and Ink says:

    Your images are beautiful! For a while my daughter was thinking of applying to Univ. of Edinburgh. I wish she had, at least so we could have made a campus visit! 🙂 One day…


  12. caliroe says:

    So glad you stuck your head in that cannon! 😉 Gorgeous!


  13. djmrakiey says:

    Awesome shot, l♥v it…. thank you for stopping by


  14. Wow! You’ve given me an interest in visiting now – amazing view!


  15. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: More Near and Far | Humbled Pie

  16. Tahira says:

    All the shots are lovey but that’s an AMAZING picture of Edinburgh! My favorite city in the whole world 🙂


  17. Ely Meyer says:

    Beautiful Pics 🙂


  18. mariadesuede says:

    Your first photo shows a city I’d like to visit, not so far from Paris… Beauitful


  19. eof737 says:

    I love this shot… We had many water shots for this challenge. 😉


  20. Myra GB says:

    The first shot is gorgeous! Perfect for the theme.


  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far | Cardboard Me Travels

  22. carolloethen says:

    Great challenge as always! 🙂
    Here is my entry:

    Weekly Photo Challenge- Near & Far


  23. Beautiful Edinburgh city, Briliant take shot my friend. 😛


  24. Georgia says:

    Nice shots. I love the one of Edinburgh, I went to the Tattoo a couple of years ago and thoroughly loved it. Arthur’s Seat was great too, very windy at the top which I didn’t expect.


  25. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far The Sequel!! (Greece, Ireland, Holland) « What's (in) the picture?

  26. Gale Griffiths says:

    Beautiful shots! I love the near/far context in painting too!


  27. peters154 says:

    Those are great photos, especially the Edinburgh one!


  28. Absolutely amazing shot through the cannon. 🙂


  29. Perfect shots for the challenge!


  30. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far « Beijing Daily Photo 2

  31. SimplySage says:

    Really nice interpretation of the Photo Challenge!


  32. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far | Life of 24 Hours

  33. Deepali says:

    The first photo of the Edinburgh is just wow! You’ve captured the entire essence of the Old Town. Awesome!


  34. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far (Lesbos) « What's (in) the picture?

  35. Pingback: Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition

  36. Connie T says:

    The first photo is really nice. You can see a long way.


  37. adinparadise says:

    I think that first photo is absolutely stunning. Your whim really paid off. Love the second one too. It looks like a very relaxing way to spend a few hours. 🙂


  38. ledrakenoir says:

    Your first shot, in my eyes, so great… 😉


  39. TheBlackTwig says:

    I’m in love with the first photo, TRS! Beautiful!


  40. Pingback: A glass of port with a view | Cardinal Guzman

  41. That first image is really colorful. Great photo.


  42. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far – Mt. Tamalpais | Humbled Pie

  43. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Near and Far – Golden Gate | Humbled Pie

  44. Tina Liu says:

    I love how the rather colorful hills surround the city. 🙂 Wonderful photos.


  45. deepa says:

    Love the first shot! The hills in the background look like they’re painted!


  46. Amy says:

    Gorgeous photos of the Edinburgh’s Old Town and the Delaware River!


  47. Jeni says:

    That first image is spectacular!


  48. fgassette says:

    Wow, your first shot through the canon is spectacular. Great shots of near and far.



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