A Solitary Swan

Last month, we travelled to Stratford, Ontario for the day. Like Stratford in England, the town is on a river called the Avon.  Although the main attraction in town is theatre – primarily Shakespeare – the village has  a few other things to recommend it.

There is a walkway on both sides of the water in the Avon River Park. Small bridges and islands add to the picturesque setting, which is also sprinkled with memorial benches and wildflowers.

Along the water there are lots of water birds – seagulls, several breeds of ducks, geese, and swans. As I wandered near a little cove, a solitary swan put on a lovely display for me.

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A lovely way to finish our day before dinner!


This post was written in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge on WordPress.com’s Daily Post. This week’s challenge topic is Solitary. To learn more about the challenge and to see the solitary images posted by other bloggers, click here.

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18 Responses to A Solitary Swan

  1. Pingback: Montreal – Eclectic and Lovely | The Retiring Sort

  2. Kathy says:

    Now that’s a beautiful depiction of solitary. Swans kind of epitomize this, don’t they? Thank you for visiting my blog…just came over to say thank you and see your lovely site here.


  3. eof737 says:

    This is touching. 😉


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : “solitary” – A photoessay « Just another wake-up call

  5. Rahul Ranjan says:

    Nice nature represented


  6. Lisaman says:

    Had no idea Avon and shakespeare existed in Ontario!!!


  7. adinparadise says:

    I love the absolute grace and elegance of swans. Lovely shots indeed. 🙂


  8. Cheryl says:

    Stratford is very close to my ‘home town’. A little further east, Shakespeare has an incredible antique store and further east still, St. Jacobs is a charming and quaint village. Thanks for the memories, including the swans of the Avon.


  9. JM says:

    love it. Great pictures, I was back home a few weeks ago and one morning was drinking coffee out on the porch and saw a solitary swan come walking through the yard. It was beautiful.


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