A Circle of Friends – The Līgo Circle of Appreciation

“The yearly Līgo celebration happens every summer solstice in Latvia.
At this time we adorn our heads with Līgos of flowers, oak leaves,
grasses and plants. We join circles around bonfires and celebrate life,
and our appreciation of each other.”*

This is an interesting group – I have been  invited by Amy at The World is a Book to participate in the Līgo Circle of Appreciation among fellow bloggers. Here are the rules for joining the circle:

PLEASE NOTE: This is an Appreciation, NOT an Award.

To fully participate in the Līgo Circle of Appreciation:

  • Complete this sentence about blogging: ”A great blog is…”    I think a great blog is one which regularly posts interesting entries, has a central theme, and where there is interaction with other bloggers: replying to comments and pingbacks, and visiting and making meaningful comments on other sites.
  • Refer back to the blogger who invited you (Done above.)
  • Invite 2 bloggers to join the Līgo Circle of Appreciation on a post – this can be done daily between October 1 and October 22, 2012. My invitations today are to:
  1. http://teedeevee.wordpress.com/about/ – Teedeevee’s lovely blog centers around Johannesburg, South Africa. She makes meaningful comments on other sites, and interacts with visitors to her posts as well.
  2. http://eof737.wordpress.com/about/ – Elizabeth at Mirth and Motivation has an inspiring blog, and is always generous with her time visiting and commenting on other blogs, as well as interacting with those who visit hers.

 Thanks, Amy, for inviting me to this circle!

* Quote from http://esengasvoice.wordpress.com/2012/10/01/ligo-circle-of-appreciation/ .

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14 Responses to A Circle of Friends – The Līgo Circle of Appreciation

  1. Pingback: Ligo… Circle of Appreciation… Passing It On! « MKG- Memories-Keepsakes-Gifts

  2. Had visited “Elizabeth’s Post http://eof737.wordpress.com/ and then was drawn to read yours…as the Circle continues on…


  3. Pingback: Reflections: Circles Of Appreciation… | The Blog Farm - A Growing Blog Community

  4. Pingback: Reflections: Circles Of Appreciation… | Mirth and Motivation

  5. eof737 says:

    Congratulations on this special appreciation and thank you so much for adding my blog… I’m not sure what to do and I see the deadline is fast approaching… Will share with all at this point. Thanks again and pardon my late response…. 🙂


  6. Congratulations. It is a beautiful and inspiring post!


  7. Pingback: Circle of Appreciation: SBI Edition | Serendipity 13

  8. Pingback: Circle of Appreciation: SBI Edition | Serendipity 13

  9. danajoward says:

    Congratulations on being invited to participate In Ligo Circle of Appreciation. You can certainly help it grow. Great choice on who to invite to join you . Thank you for sharing 😉


  10. It’ s really lovely to see you becoming a part of the Līgo Circle of Appreciation and helping it grow. Thank you very much!


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