Things are Looking Up….

We usually tend to be focused on what lies ahead when we’re traveling, but some things just invite us to look up. Just the physical act of raising our heads can be a bit inspiring (much as smiling brings the muscle memory of happy things.) So, here are a few of the things I’ve felt compelled to look up at and capture, all of which really did inspire me in those moments.

Last month, we and some friends went to the Guggenheim Museum, primarily to see the display on Frank Lloyd Wright. We also took in some other exhibits, but the building itself is something to behold. From the rotunda lobby, looking up, there’s a sense of being inside a nautilus shell.

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When we were last in Paris, we stood under one of I. M. Pei’s glass pyramids and stared up through its simple elements. We were equally transfixed by the elegance of the Eiffel Tower, seen here from our boat tour on the Seine. Both are incredible pieces of engineering, and have changed the landscape of Paris forever.

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In London, we rode through Trafalgar Square, and looked up at the statue of Admiral Nelson. Both the man and the sculpture atop a pillar are inspiring!  Over in the Westminster area, Big Ben also caused me to look skyward!

London ts3            London BB4

On our Fall visit to Montreal, we did some touring. This is the Place Ville-Marie building, which celebrated its 50th birthday during our visit. It is also a major hub of the many miles of underground city in Montreal – offices, shopping, and more. The building was designed by a team also including I M Pei, and its footprint is in the shape of an x or a cross. It is a beautiful pristine tower.

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Of course, nature provides some of the best, and most inspiring upward views…

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Fall in New England                  Glen Coe in Scotland


San Francisco Bay at dusk

Guess sometimes you just have to raise your eyes to find some inspiration, so keep looking up – the sky’s the limit!

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This post is in response to a weekly travel theme challenge by Ailsa of WheresMyBackpack, on the subject:  Up.  To see other uplifting responses and get more info on her challenge, click here.  

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20 Responses to Things are Looking Up….

  1. Madhu says:

    The architecture is superb of course, but I love those shots of the kite and fireworks 🙂


  2. A wonderful collection! My favourites are the shot of looking up the glass pyramid, Glen Coe and the bird over the San Francisco Bay.


  3. Touch2Touch says:

    I don’t recall the Guggenheim ever looking so good in “real life” as it does in your photo!
    I think UP is really your direction, you’re inspired.


  4. lomoherz says:

    Very nice Thieme!


  5. bulldogsturf says:

    Lovely depiction of the theme… beautiful photos…


  6. adinparadise says:

    Beautiful pics for the theme. The San Francisco Bay is my best one. 🙂


  7. Gardengirl says:

    All beautiful pictures. I love looking up at the stars at night.


  8. All very cool, but I really like Glenn Coe. Beautiful. 🙂


  9. My favourite has to be the tall building. I love the way you have taken the photo really captures the feeling of height.


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