Future Challenge – Beating the Blues

Challenge #23

Into each life a little rain must fall…

Each of us has ways of dealing with life’s little troubles. Some of us get busy, and some of us can’t get going. Some eat and some fast. Some seek company and some seek solitude.

As we age, a number of things contribute to depression. There’s the feeling that we’ve lost some of our usefulness. There are aches and pains, and sometimes losses of hearing or vision.  Income is often reduced.  Spouses or partners may pass away or become ill.  Lots of new issues…

And there are lots of ways to overcome them – participating in clubs, organizations, and religious communities, taking up new hobbies, volunteering, and exercising/keeping fit are just a few.

So how do you beat the blues? And how do you plan to overcome the emotional challenges of aging?

As part of my retirement theme,  I offer this weekly Thursday “Future Challenge” to get people of all ages thinking in general about their futures and/or retirement. Each challenge goes with a post of my own on the same general topic. Hopefully we’ll start some interesting discussions!

If you’d like to share what you think, or post on it, that’s great – and I’d love it if you’d share those thoughts in a post or comment (please tag posts TRS Future Challenge and link to this post) so others can also see them.

If you choose not to share them, that’s fine too – but with any luck, you’ll still gain some insight on where you’re headed (or would like to be), and how you can get the most out of your own journey.

For my own take on this week’s challenge, see my post, Chasing the Blues Away.

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16 Responses to Future Challenge – Beating the Blues

  1. purpleviolas says:

    When emotions take a downward spiral, I know being busy especially creatively is the best medicine. Here is my post in response to your challenge. Thanks for prompting me to think about this subject again http://wp.me/p2BDQm-1cK


    • A wonderful response – and a great reminder that everyone faces challenges sometimes. When we’re in the middle of them we sometimes feel that we’re the only ones.., Thanks for this! 😉


  2. My mantra..the older I get…is to live without expectations and appreciate each moment of life. Of course, this is very hard to do and I don’t accomplish it often. Yet, I look for the little Zen moments…losing myself in pencil sketches…finding myself in a reflection in a tide pool…then losing myself again in a good book. It’s these tiny, unexpected moments in life that comfort me in the emotional challenges of aging. And…I always tell myself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” Of course, the answer is always, “I could die.” Therefore, I live without regrets and take calculated risks, so I’ll never have to regret anything on my deathbed. 🙂


    • Appreciating each moment is so important, and such a great way to stay away from everything negative! Thanks for sharing your techniques and your positive philosophy. I have often asked myself – what’s the worst that could happen? 😉


  3. Pazlo says:

    One of my favorite and most-inspiring quotes:

    “Zen mind is satisfied with a sunset and a thimbleful of tea.”

    It creates a great picture, and reminds me that all I really require is air and liberty, when it comes right down to it. Those are the only things I can’t do without.

    Another great quote, from the movie Casablanca, actually sums up my worldview. On the tarmac, saying goodbye to Ingrid Bergman, Bogey says:

    “The problems of three little people don’t add up to a hill of beans in this crazy world.”

    This life is fleeting, barely a flash in the long view of our universe. Therefore, every good and beautiful thing that comes my way is a marvel, and worries are but trifles.

    Be at peace,



  4. lexiesnana says:

    I am going to help my daughter in her classroom. With all the budget cuts we have had this past year she needs me and I love working with the kids. I can’t wait.


  5. Jeanne says:

    I am a ways off from retirement but think about it – saving money, how I will spend all that free time. I had some time between jobs where I finished my education and in that time I realized that when I retire, I need contact with other people. I like working with others and need to be engaged in something with community. I have hobbies that I fit into my life now: painting, photography, kayaking, birding. I am blessed with a small cabin in the woods. I have a sense for my own mortality right now and try to live each day in Grace.

    My mother, who is retired, has set a great example for me. She belongs to a quilt guild and a theatre club so when she is not sewing, she is acting. She swims mornings at a Y with a group of ladies, the best exercises since she had a knee replaced. She lives alone, with her cat and tells me she likes it like that. I love that when I invite her places, she says “Let me check my calendar.” I think people get depressed when they isolate themselves or don’t have any interests they participate in regularly. Regular fresh air and movement is just as necessary as it ever was, even if we move slower.

    When I retire, I want to travel across the country for a month (if I don’t do it sooner) – and then I think I will get very active in a photography or bird club. And always I will approach each day with Grace. Oh did I tell you I suffer from sciatica – say good morning with back and leg pain and good night with back and leg pain? No matter what our troubles, and everyone has them, If we make up our mind to enjoy life, we can.


    • What a fabulous attitude you have, Jeanne! You certainly have a wonderful assortment of things to keep you moving and engaged. I love your mother’s sense of humor – and I hope you are able to manage your pain well – you sound determined not to let it slow you down. God bless you. 🙂


  6. mylifeinfocusblog says:

    Well, the first thing I learned was not to look in the mirror anymore. That helps a lot 🙂 I also try not to think about others anymore and just concentrate on myself. I don’t let others problems become my problems. That’s very important. At least for me. If someone wants to tell me their problems, of course, I listen, and offer advice if asked. But, that’s it.

    I’ve also learned to do more things alone. I don’t need other people to cheer me up, keep me company or make my day.

    On the days when I wake up depressed, I have a sure fire way to get me out of the slump. First I tell myself I am not depressed. Instead, I’m just feeling a bit meloncholy. Then I log onto iTunes, to the radio channels and click on Golden Oldies of the 50’s and 60’s. Once I hear this music, it immediately brings me back to the happiest time in my life. So, a flood of happy memories come. Then I set off to do my daily routine, such as cleaning up, doing the dishes, the laundry. There’s happiness in the daily routine. I make my bed. By 11am, my house is neat, I feel better, I’m in a better mood and I leave and go out to do some errands. I’ll go to the library, the post office, the grocery store and say hello to the regulars. I’ve gotten into the habit of having a cup of tea at 3:30. It’s a lovely thing to do in the afternoon. By 4PM, I’m feeding my dog and then taking her out for a 2 mile walk. While walking along the country roads, I listen to the birds, look at nature and realize how wonderfully blessed I am. Depression? What depression? Life is actually quite good.

    I’ve also learned to manage my own health. I do lots of walking, some easy yoga routines that I set up for myself. I’m not the greatest eater in the world. I just know when to stop. Am I thin? No. I just want to look presentable. (as I said, I try not to look in the mirror and it helps a lot!) I try to heal myself with good sleep, good food, good vitamins and less prescribed medicines.

    Have I had an easy, trouble free life? Of course not. But I’m in a good place now, even if it is just inside my head. I’ve come to realize, now in my retirement, that I have a limited amount of years left on this earth. So, How do I want to spend them? Worrying about bills, family, politics or relationships? Nope. This time is for me. And I am all I care about.

    I set out each day to make myself happy and do the best that I can. Because, after I am gone, no one will remember my name or what I had or did or what I wore to my high school prom.


  7. OMGoodness!! Your comments in this post describe EXACTLY what I’ve been going through. I’ve been retired for a year now, and I’ve gone through each one of those emotions. I will hopefully get up the courage to blog about my emotional journey and share on your TRS Future Challenge>


    • As gratified as I am that I struck a chord,I do wish it were a more cheerful one! I would love to hear how you’ve worked through your challenges, and hopefully how you’re finding balance in your retirement. It is an ongoing journey for each of us – my best to you on yours!


  8. fgassette says:

    Always find your posts wonderful. I salute you here http://wp.me/p23TG1-2MX



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