Travelogue – Jolly Old London Town

It’s time for my mid-month travelogue post!  I thought it would be fun, in honor of Queen Elizabeth’s 60th Jublilee celebration earlier this month (and the upcoming Olympics), to make this one about London.

I had all four A.A. Milne children’s books when I was little – Winnie-The-Pooh and The House At Pooh Corner (stories), and When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six (poems). Along with The Wind in the WillowsPeter Pan, and Mary Poppins, these were my earliest introductions to England, and to London.

There’s one particular Milne poem called Buckingham Palace that I always especially loved. It was set to music and played years ago on British radio. Since I grew up in the US, I learned the silly song from a record, but it stuck with me, and I’ve always wanted to watch the actual Changing of the Guard as a result. Although I’ve been to London several times, this visit was the first time I managed to get there! We got a special treat when, before and during the event, dignitaries arrived for tea with her majesty – some in carriages!

Of course, there were many other highlights to our wanderings around the city. This was our first time in London since the Millennium, so of course we had to go up in the London Eye (the big ferris wheel on the Thames between the Westminster and Millennium Bridges) – it was quite an experience, and took about half an hour to go around.

Big Ben and Westminster Abbey from the London Eye

Westminster Bridge

Millennium Bridge

We took in other wonderful sights like Westminster Abbey (which really needs at least a whole day, if you’re going to explore and appreciate things like the Poet’s Corner) and St. Paul’s Cathedral (ditto – the Whisperer’s Gallery, the crypts, the history!)


Front and back of Westminster Abbey

St. Paul’s Spires

We visited the Tower of London (crown jewels, armor, exhibits, ravens, Tower Green/site of executions), and left by boat, taking a small excursion back up toward Westminster, past the Globe Theatre and the City of London.

White Tower; Tower of London

Me with the Tower’s first female Yeoman Warder (named Moira); the Traitor’s Gate

On our final day there, we visited Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum and then did an open double-decker bus tour of the city past Trafalgar Square, several palaces, and across the Tower Bridge.

Trafalgar Square

Tower Bridge 

Finally, I’ll leave you with some random shots from our various wanderings around the City. We had limited time to cram everything in (and the usual mixed British weather), but we picked our “must see’s” for this trip and had a great time – we even took in a play near Covent Garden and dropped in at Harrod’s!

Covent Garden – Inside and out

Bank of England; Living room of our Mayfair flat

Harrod’s, and the Save the Asian Elephant campaign (these were in Hyde Park)

King’s Cross Station – Platform to Hogwarts, Buckingham Palace

And if you’ve never actually read Milne’s children’s poems or the other mentioned children’s classics (the Disney versions of all of them are fun, but not really the same), let me suggest you borrow or pick up copies of the books listed above – they all  still make me smile!

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14 Responses to Travelogue – Jolly Old London Town

  1. Ana says:

    Lovely! And congrats on finally seeing the Changing of the Guard… I have always wanted to see England, but I am sad to say I have never been outside of Heathrow, lol.
    I really like the “St. Paul’s spires” photo.


  2. I’m not sure if i’ve said it here but one of my hugest goals is to visit England very soon.(current plan is for September 2013) You’ve provided such great info here, I “bookmarked the permalink” (to quote wordpress) on this post! Thank you for sharing it!


    • We live in wonderful times – on the internet you can find hotels, B&Bs or flats. With an oyster card you can get everywhere in and around the city by tube, train, or bus (just visit the transit authority desk at any large train station or airport), and there are golden tours to everything! Get a AAA or Fodor’s guide so you can plan in all your “gotta sees” including day trips if you make London your hub… and enjoy!!


  3. Wonderful architecture. Beautiful share.
    “When you see someone putting on their big boots, you can be pretty sure that an adventure is going to happen.” A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh.
    Looks like you had your big boots on. 🙂


  4. Madhu says:

    You took me back to the time we did all this some 25 years ago! Time for a revisit 🙂


  5. adinparadise says:

    As Samuel Johnson said, “When a man is tired of London, he’s tired of life.” So much to see and do in that wonderful city. Fabulous pics. You made me home sick. 😉


  6. coastalcrone says:

    I’m always ready to go back! Thanks for sharing.


  7. Fantastic the big ferris wheel … very fun. Sweet memories of your first trip to London since the millennium my friend. Beautiful memories. 😛


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