Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth

Our weekly photo challenge from Sara Rosso at WordPress.com’s Daily Post  is Growth.

Growth is a funny thing.  We may notice it all at once, like an aunt who hasn’t seen a small child in months, but we all know that’s not how it really happens. Growth happens cell by cell, moment by moment, and is guided by forces both within and around the growing organism.

I’ve been watching a flower on the hydrangea bush in my side yard for the past few weeks. It started pale and tightly closed, but with light, water, heat, and a little plant food it has blossomed day by day, increasing in size and depth of color. It has almost reached its full bloom, after which it will gradually weaken in color, wilt, and fade to papery leaves that wind will carry away for this season.

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Nourishment and so many other factors fuel the progress of any organism, and even help to determine how long the season of its bloom will be.  It’s the same process with any growing thing, and so we should take care with how we nourish the important things in our lives – ourselves, our relationships, our work… Let’s face it – what we cultivate, grows.

What are you cultivating in your life?  To see what other bloggers are growing, click here.

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98 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth

  1. Awesome! I’m doing a daily rose blog. It’s interesting to see how fast it goes from just a tiny bud to a dying bloom.


  2. beebeesworld says:

    I would be interested in responding to prompts from your blog-tell me more about it! Thanks for reading my blog and my Legacy story. If you aren’t following it, I hope you will consider doing so. I will follow your blog and see what else you have in store! beebeesworld


  3. kansamuse says:

    Beautiful flowers but also a really great idea using a sideshow.


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong « Jinan Daily Photo

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong « Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong (Chigaimus) « Natsukashi Kansai

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth « Mike's Take…

  8. Lori says:

    Just beautiful. The slide show really shows the beauty in the change. Thanks for sharing.


  9. Lovely photos. I a fan of hydrangeas and have a pink one and a blue one in my garden – they are only just beginning to show now, so I hope they come out as well as yours has.


    • Thanks! A lady at our local nursery told me you can influence the flower colors with soil acidity. I believed her, so I put acid plant food on mine to keep them blue. I have seen bushes with variegated colors – which makes me wonder what’s going on with the roots, or whether she was just wrong! 🙂 I hope yours bloom beautifully.


  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth (Bloom soon little flower in the dark, by Noke) | Noke Yuitza

  11. dunden says:

    Beautiful growth.
    Especially, the transition of the color looks very attractive to me.


  12. Yeaah so beautiful. I love flowers. Fantastic diashow my friend. 😛


  13. Madman says:

    Wonderful fast movie of your flowers. I have a pink variant at home, I’ll now watch it with more attention. Thanks for the share 🙂


  14. Madhu says:

    That slideshow is almost like watching a video of the flower blooming!! Wonderful and creative TRS!


  15. Joy says:

    LOVE this! How creative. It’s fascinating watching something grow from the very beginning to full bloom. So glad I read and watched this before the chaos of my week ensues. Thank you, friend.


  16. bluebee says:

    A wonderful series of photos


  17. The perfect post for this theme, wonderful, TRS!


  18. Cultivate with nourishment and care…..


  19. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth « Jacqueline's Blog

  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth « Beijing City Photo 2

  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth | Tay in Europe

  22. ausurfer says:

    Beautiful colour — I love these; whenever I see them I am reminded of my sweet grandmother, who grew them in many places in her garden.


  23. Jo Bryant says:

    great images…I don’t like hydrangeas…working at ridding my garden of them


  24. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth « Mike Hardisty Photography

  25. tobyo says:

    this is so fun!! what a great idea to have a slide show (I need to learn how to do that). I created a post recently of something similar. I have a different hydrangea and compiled pics of a time lapse sort but portrayed in a post. I love the slide show, great job!! and such a beautiful plant.


  26. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Growth | Chittle Chattle

  27. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Growth | Just Snaps

  28. Amy says:

    So magically beautiful!! I love hydrangeas.


  29. Thanks for “Liking” my post. I have visited a few of your posts, and really enjoyed your soulful approach, Sally


  30. sued51 says:

    The slideshow works so well for this post…nice shots and nice message…


  31. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth « Jinan Daily Photo

  32. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth–Young Readers | Simply Charming

  33. Sunshine says:

    I love these flowers!!!


  34. eof737 says:

    I love your slideshow and the pictures are terrific. 😉


  35. Jeff Sinon says:

    Excellent idea for the challenge, great photos in a slideshow, I need to remember that!


  36. Ruth Bailey says:

    Wonderful application! “What we cultivate – grows.” How true that is. And I might add that that which we put into our lives is what will be there at the end, at least in memory or spirit.


  37. Myra GB says:

    The beautiful color of the flower brings a sense of peace and quiet. 🙂


  38. adinparadise says:

    This is so perfect for the theme. Your Hydrangea is such a beautiful colour. Well done. 🙂


  39. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth « Ruined for Life: Phoenix Edition

  40. What a perfect and beautiful post for this challenge! I love hydrangeas, and seeing the images makes me want to pull out the watercolors and start painting! Z


  41. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Growth « the unbearable lightness of being me.

  42. tantri says:

    i love your slideshow.. beautiful flower with a very nice color.. ^^


  43. Colleen E Gunderson Photography says:

    What a great response to the challenge: well-written, and I love your slideshow 🙂


  44. Inge says:

    This sort of flowers remind me of my mom. This is one of her favourite flowers! 🙂
    There’s even a myth about this flower that been associated with prosperity. 😀


  45. I’m impressed that you’ve been tracking this bud for a while, watching it grow. It’s so interesting how much beauty there is in the developing flower, when you see it like this, instead of just eagerly waiting for it to be out! Perfect.


  46. I enjoyed watching the time lapse bloom of the flower. Really nice.


  47. scottrandall says:

    Great Sequence – well done!


  48. Catherine says:

    Beautiful hydrangeas! It makes me miss my home in North Carolina.


  49. Transformers got nothing on this beauty! Great growth transition 🙂


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