Travel Theme: Leading Lines

Ailsa at wheresmybackpack? has posted our weekly Travel Theme: Leading Lines. Her own examples are photos that all have a strong physical line that grabs the focus of the shot and leads our eyes there, and our challenge is to find our own leading lines.

Ah, if only life were that simple, with clear leading lines taking us forward or showing us the way we’re meant to go!

Like the road to the Golden Gate Bridge, our path north to Marin County…

… or this road at the Beijing Olympic Park, leading to the Water Cube (and beyond to additional events and venues). But wait, there’s a line of Umbrellas alongside, enticing us off the road, to the shade and a cool drink…

And sometimes the line isn’t straight at all, and the final destination isn’t clear. Those are the times when the trek may be more difficult, but also more interesting!

Every life has opportunity for a variety of journeys. Sometimes the clearly directed path is the right one, and then, sometimes, we’re meant to digress from the main highway to see what lies beyond.

“…I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. “

Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken

To see where leading lines have taken other bloggers, click here!

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55 Responses to Travel Theme: Leading Lines

  1. Anne Camille says:

    I especially like the photo of the Golden Gate Bridge. The lines in the foreground and the lines of bridge make this photo.


  2. lolakojane says:

    Very nice! Great interpretation.


  3. Paula says:

    I love your entry… you know this poem by Frost was my inspiration also for my “road” post 😀


  4. Pingback: Travel Theme: Leading Lines | Autumn in Bruges

  5. Jo Bryant says:

    i hope one day to see China’s wall myself…great photos


  6. Pingback: Travel Theme: Leading Lines « Pictures in living color

  7. cathome36 says:

    love your winding path/wall, just like life is… and living surely is walking that line everywhere it goes, up and down and left and right and just walk on at your own pace…. Even a wall can be a leading line…. even in history it ‘bends’ life in certain directions…. Catti lovesssss it….


  8. dadirri7 says:

    great adventurous post, love they way your words and images tantalize and lead us on!


  9. Pingback: Weekly Travel Theme – Leading Lines « This…That…. and whatever else I can think of…

  10. adinparadise says:

    Excellent. The Great Wall is not an easy walk, is it? 😉


  11. autumninbruges says:

    Love your post! Great quote..


  12. cocoaupnorth says:

    Beautiful post, love your interpretation of the theme. The pics are outstanding too.


  13. ailsapm says:

    Gorgeous, TRS. those Great Wall shots are fantastic, so full of mystery and promise. xxx


  14. Madhu says:

    Neat set of images that lead the eye! Think I like the first one best of all.


  15. Pingback: Travel theme: Leading Lines | Minute descriptions of me *Kristopher*

  16. Yes, the great photoshot !


  17. Colleen E Gunderson Photography says:

    Another great challenge response; I really enjoy your posts 🙂


  18. Lisaman says:

    I love the ruggedness of the great wall of China!! Walking on that line was amazing!!


  19. Pingback: Travel Theme: Leading Lines | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

  20. the bridge and wall photos have a dreamy quality–makes me think of faraway lands


    • Thanks! The wall has so many views and facets just because it covers so much ground. But that bridge… you could stand in the same spot for a week, shoot it every half hour, and never get the same picture twice because of the sky and fog. Two very different, but equally enticing subjects!


  21. eof737 says:

    The road at the Beijing Olympic Park with those blue flags is especially beautiful… they all are really. 😉


  22. trishworth says:

    Thanks for reminding us what Robert Frost said about roads diverging. I try to stay on the one less travelled, as you do also, I’m guessing. My favourite photo is the first one (the bridge).


  23. Amy says:

    The Great Wall was a cool choice for the theme! Love the quotes. Great shots!


  24. SimplySage says:

    Beautiful artistry here. Nice!


  25. sharechair says:

    Loved your lines. Oh, I do so want to see the Great Wall!


  26. I love this!!! Great Wall was a brilliant idea!


  27. Perfect. Frost and all. 🙂


  28. fgassette says:

    Wonderful post. I love your photos and the quote from Robert Frost.



  29. coastalcrone says:

    Good job with leading lines!
