Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong

The WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge, courtesy of Sara Rosso, is Wrong.

There are many ways a photo can capture something that feels, well, wrong.

Sometimes you look at something quickly, and it registers as something very different from what it is.  That’s how I felt about this shot of Charing Cross Station in London, taken from a boat on the river.  It really looks like it sits on top of the Waterloo Bridge. Wrong.

Actually, the station sits back from the river and is closer to the Millennium Bridge, as this second view taken from the perspective of the London Eye, shows clearly!

And some things feel out of time – like this airplane taking off from Heathrow over medieval Windsor Castle

Then, there are shots that show a wrong choice…


Blowing bubbles…   They look so pretty, I wonder what they taste like… maybe fruity?


To see the wrong things other bloggers have captured, click here!

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35 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong

  1. lolakojane says:

    Like most who posted comments, just love the “wrong choice” photos of the little guy, great capture. 🙂


  2. Inge says:

    Nice perspectives especially for the first picture. 🙂


  3. eof737 says:

    The little one’s reaction was priceless. 😉


  4. Margie says:

    I always loved it when a flight I was on went over Windsor Castle, though I felt sorry for the people below who had to endure the noise of 1300 or so planes arriving and departing from Heathrow every day!


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Wrong « 3rdculturechildren

  6. Cheryl says:

    Great shots! They each speak differently to the challenge for this week.


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge “Wrong” « Jacqueline's Blog

  8. I love the expression on the little boy’s face! Thanks for the laugh!


  9. Rosa says:

    that last picture speaks for itself. Can just imagine how wrong it felt to him


  10. sharechair says:

    I loved your photo choices! And you built me right up for the laugh at the end with the bubbles. Not so fruity! 🙂


  11. Jeff Sinon says:

    That last photo is priceless. Reminds me of when I was very young and tried pure vanilla extract for the first time. How can something that smells so good, taste so vile? 🙂


  12. topher79 says:

    I think most kids have made that wrong choice before, I know I did. Bubbles taste horrible but smell so good


  13. bluebee says:

    Children are so adventurous and funny


  14. Madhu says:

    Great choices! The little boy learning the soap solution tasted ‘wrong’ was best of all 🙂


  15. adinparadise says:

    I’m sure that he won’t be tasting that bubble solution again. 🙂 Your first photo is very interesting indeed. Well done.


  16. Imelda says:

    The boy’s expression is just so precious. Clearly, there was something wrong somewhere. All the pictures are great for the challenge.


  17. All great! the expression of ‘wrong’ made me laugh. it surely makes everyone laugh!


  18. Thanks for sharing these pictures. I am reminded about the term “perspective”.
