Travel Theme: Sunsets

Sunsets are such a universally intriguing phenomena. Historically, sailors used the characteristics of sunsets to anticipate the coming weather.  Scientists explain the way the light is broken up at the horizon, spilling brilliant colors across the landscape or water. Artists and writers find inspiration, and many others sense the grand design in the often spectacular displays.

I see them much as I see the Autumn: the end of one thing, and the promise of something new to follow. We can’t choose the quality of any given sunset – each one, like each day, is an individual gift.

When we were in Honolulu, around sunset we usually sat at our hotel facing the ocean, and we got varied results.  Most evenings, we saw subdued pinks and blues from behind scattered clouds, with boats or hang gliders silhouetted in front of them.

Then one night, we had a fabulous display over the hotel’s lagoon. Amazingly, most of the water still appeared blue, but the sky was ablaze.

Always looking for a photo op, the last time we were in San Francisco, I stood out on a wharf, hoping to get a fabulous silhouette of the Golden Gate bridge against a wonderful palette of sunset colors. I was optimistic as I caught a gull in the sky just before sundown, and I set up my shot of the bridge.

Alas, I forgot I was in San Francisco.  The sun went down onto the Pacific in the West, behind a huge bank of clouds.  My planned silhouette was not to be.

But then I turned the other way and looked back toward the city. Over Alcatraz, I caught this pelican with the tinges of purple on the horizon, and the skyline with the evening shadows just beginning.

As I looked across the bay to Marin County, the sun set further and I was rewarded with some deeper hues.

I guess sometimes when we don’t get what we’re looking for, we’re just looking in the wrong direction.

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This post is in response to a weekly Travel Theme challenge from Ailsa at Wheresmybackpack.  Her theme for this week is Sunsets.

To see her challenge and how the sun set for some other bloggers, click here.

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65 Responses to Travel Theme: Sunsets

  1. LubbyGirl says:

    love these – I have so many of San Francisco, but not at sunset (we were just passing through for the day). I did get one really nice shot of a sailboat with the city in the background, though; most of my photos had body parts hanging around the perimeters…too many people on the boat!!! 🙂 Lord willing we’ll get another ‘shot’ at it.


  2. Mel says:

    I love sunsets (sunrises too, but I see them less often…) and love how every one is unique. Your Honolulu sunset photos are stunning.


  3. adinparadise says:

    Beautiful sunsets, especially the Honolulu ones. 🙂


  4. Loved your Hawaii sunset pictures! I love sunsets – watching them and taking pictures of them! I especially loved your comment of: “I guess sometimes when we don’t get what we’re looking for, we’re just looking in the wrong direction.” Story of my life – but completely true!!! Thanks for sharing. -Heather


  5. ailsapm says:

    So, so beautiful, TRS, that blue water against the blazing sunset took my breath away, I can’t imagine what it must have been like to see it in person. xxx


  6. eof737 says:

    You have some amazing sunsets. 😉


  7. The Hawaiian sunset photos could almost be acryllic paintings with such vibrant colors.


  8. Madhu says:

    Amazing sunset shots TRS! Love that pelicanl!


  9. Nothing more magical and romantic than a sunset close to a body of water. Beautiful!


  10. DagEnDauw says:

    Great pictures and nice thoughts, but on your first picture I see something strange and mystical that makes me wonder ; that blue ball in the middle of the ocean… do you know what it is?


  11. cathome36 says:

    I loved your take on sunsets, especially your thoughts on it… will think differently on it now when I see the sun goes down, down, down….. for a new beginning the next trip….


  12. Some beautiful sunsets!


  13. fgassette says:

    I love all your beautiful sunset photos.



  14. lolakojane says:

    Gorgeous photos! Of course, having lived in San Francisco, I may be biased, just a little. Those Honolulu sunset shots are just postcard stunning!


  15. Lisaman says:

    That sunset in Honolulu was fantastic!!


  16. restlessjo says:

    I knew I’d enjoy checking out this challenge. These are beautiful.


  17. Hi Retiring! What a superb collection of lovely images. Great work! 🙂


  18. TheBlackTwig says:

    These are breathtaking photos. And you right in every word at the last sentence.


  19. Max510 says:

    Wonderful shot in Honolulu…
    I dream to be there


  20. carolloethen says:

    great shot..especially love the ones with the palms! 🙂


  21. bulldogsturf says:

    Lovely captures…


  22. Wow! What a great selection of images! The lagoon series is gorgeous! Z


  23. What a wonderful San Francisco sunset you captured after all – one you’ll always remember because it punched such a potent message! 🙂


  24. Jo Bryant says:

    all beautiful images. I love the way sunsets can be so changeable…from each other…and also from one moment to the next


  25. These are one better than the next. Great response to the challenge. Love the pelican. 😉


  26. Inge says:

    WOW! Thumbs up!


  27. coastalcrone says:

    Gorgeous sunsets! I like the way you turned around and found something even better – good lesson for life.


  28. dema1497 says:

    Love your first shot, the silhouette and the color of the sky.


  29. Rosa says:

    all very beautiful – love the one of the pelican


  30. Beautiful! Thank you! And yes, I completely agree with you that a sunset is the “promise of something new to follow”.


  31. sharechair says:

    Beautiful photos!


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