Beyond the Horizon

Photography is a remarkable thing. It can take us places we’ve never been. It can validate or change our views of history. It can bring back wonderful memories, or share them with people who couldn’t be there in the moment.  But sometimes a photo is just the beginning of the story. Some pictures give just a hint of what lies beyond the borders of the image.

This image was taken from the window of a tower at the University at Bridgeport in Connecticut. The house in the foreground is the president’s residence. Behind it are the grounds, Long Island Sound, the coastline of Long Island, the Atlantic Ocean…..

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A few years back we took a short Caribbean cruise. From the deck of the ship, we saw some beautiful views, providing us with tantalizing thoughts of all the things that lay beyond our view….



Closer to home, we walk local trails. and never know what we’ll find around the next bend, or what lies just off the trail…

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But of course, to discover new views and places, we have to venture out beyond our own driveway!

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This post was written in response to the WordPress Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond.  To learn more about this challenge, and to see other bloggers’ responses, click here.  To see additional photos in my previous post on similar theme, see Near and Far.

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23 Responses to Beyond the Horizon

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Beyond | LITTLE MISS WORDY - Find BIG inspiration in the little moments

  2. Nice shots! I always like the mystery of a new road; who knows where it leads.


  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beyond « Dibbler Dabbler

  4. Some good choices there – I enjoyed them!


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Beyond | littlemisswordy

  6. Love your tantalizing shots; gets the imagination sparking!


  7. bulldogsturf says:

    Once again great photos….


  8. adinparadise says:

    Beautiful photos. especially love that last one. It looks like a lovely place to walk. 🙂


  9. tobyo says:

    I like your take as well, good job! My favorite photo is the one in your header: I want to be on that road!


  10. Madhu says:

    Wonderful selection TRS. I like the ones with those paths trailing off into the woods.


    • Thanks, Madhu – these trails were railway paths in the past – every one is a little different, but they have been made into wonderful recreational areas for walking and riding. I love the heavily wooded sections myself! 😉


  11. Amba Nair says:

    Lovely photos ! But my favorite is the third picture(the one on the right in the second row of pics), where the sunlight shines through the clouds. It seems like it’s making the shape of a heart on the water! Love your take on this week’s challenge 🙂


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